Jaden's obsession with y/n (part 1)

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(Just to clarify, it had been a few weeks)

Jaden 💛

Hey ma, what
you doing?

Nothing, chillin' why?

Wanna hang with me
Javon and Jayla?

Yea ok, ill be
over soon

Bring bathing suit
were swimming

Ok, cya

I got ready and put on a swim suit and some denim shorts over top with a purple long sleeve.

I got ready and put on a swim suit and some denim shorts over top with a purple long sleeve

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(your outfit)

Once i got dressed, i went down stairs and got something to eat, i was so hungry. "Hey mom, can you drop me of at Jayla's?" i asked her nicely. "Yea, just give me 20 and ill be ready," she answered. '20 minutes pass' "Hey you ready?" Mom asked as i looked up at her. "yea," i say. We get into the car and leave. "can we get boba? I'll pay," i asked. "Yes we can get boba but i will pay," mom said. "But i wanna pay," i said confused on why she wouldnt let me pay. "I'm paying okay?" she said kinda angrily. "ok, sorry," i said a bit upset. "Sorry, just work has been a bit stressful and really busy," she said kinda upset. "No, its ok, i know it can get hard sometimes," i said worried about her. "thanks hun," she said.

We got boba and headed over to Jayla's. "Thanks, bye, love you," i said after kissing her cheek. " bye, have fun!" she yelled as i was already at the door. I just walked in, Jessica and Dj don't mind, they actually gave me a key to get into the house when ever i want. I felt kinda special becuase i was the only kid with a key, apart from Jayla. I walk up stairs and see jayla live. "Heyy!" i say giving jayla a hug and kiss to the cheek.

Jaden walks in and lays down with his head in my lap. I play with his hair as he stares at me.


'are they dating?'
'They'd be so cute!'
'Eww she so ugly, id be better than her'

Jaden looks over at the comments and seen one in specific. "Um, no she isn't, you need your eyes checked man," Jaden says. "Stop flirting, let's go swim," Jayla says as ending the live. "Alright get up Jaden, you cant swim there," i say with a little laugh. "Ugh- do i have to move?" he asked. "Yes, dipship, move," Jayla says while grabbing my hand yanking me out the door.

Jaden's mind
I've liked y/n for a little bit now, she just so amazing and all. I don't know if she feels the same way tho, i really hope she does.

(Part 2 soon)

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