First time meeting the fam (Part 2)

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We arrived at Jayla's house. I knocked on the door. A tall, cute, brunette boy who looked like Javon opened the door. "Hey, you must be y/n?" he asked. "Hi, yea i'm y/n," i answered. "Ok, come on in," he said looking me up and down.
"Where's Jayla?" i asked. "I'm right heree!" Jayla yells in excitement. "Hey!" i say giving her a big hug. "Hey everyone there here!" Jaden yells. Jayla's mom, dad and brother's walk out. "Javon?" i asked confused. "y/n?" he asked confused aswell. "You guys know eachother?" Jayla's mom asked. "Uh y-yea," we both say kinda shocked. "Alright anyways, so this is Rose, Mark and my twin Sam," i introduce them all. "Im Jessica, this is dj and this is-," she says being cut off. "I'm Daelo, you call call me mumps!" he says so happily. "Alright let's eat," Dj says as we all followed.

After we all ate, we decided to start heading home as it was 9pm. "psst- hey y/n," javon says as i look around. "What j?" i asked him confused. "Since when were you friends with Jayla?" he asked. "We've been friends for a little while, why?" i asked really confused on why he was questioning me. "uh- no reason," He says in a low voice. "uh- ok," i say confused. We than leave Jayla's and head home. Sam fell asleep on my shoulder on the way home.

"Hey Sam, we're home," i say as he slowly wakes up. "hm? okay," he says slowly getting up. I then shower and try to sleep until i get a text from a random number.


Hey ma, it's Jaden

Hey, what's up?

Nothing, just wanted to
text you

Ok? well im going
to sleep, night


(Jaden's obsession with y/n)

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