Cousin Olivia (Part 2)

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(Olivia has been staying for 2 weeks now but she leaves soon).


You wanna come over?

Yess, ill be there

Okay, love you

Love you too

"Olivia, get dressed were going to Jaden's," i told her as i ran to my roon.
"whose Jaden?" she asked confused. "oh, you haven't met him, my boyfriend, Jayla's brother," i said as i got into the shower. "okay, be ready soon," she said walking off. I got out of the shower ( you know how it goes)

 I got out of the shower ( you know how it goes)

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(your outfit)

"Olivia you ready?" i asked. She yelled out "yea! be out in a sec!"

 She yelled out "yea! be out in a sec!"

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(Olivia's outfit)

"Hey, we kinda look the same," i said kinda shocked. "Yea we kinda do," Olivia said. "Alright, we will walk, its just around the corner," i told her. Oliva said "okay". 6 minutes later, we get there and its really hot. I run upstairs and straight into jaden's room.  i gave him a kiss and stole a pair of his shorts. i got dressed infront of him cause i didnt really care neither did he. I walk out and see Javon and Olivia hanging out and i walk back into Jaden's room and sat on his lap, while he playing the game. About 15 minutes later i fell asleep. "Alright guys, imma go, my girls is asleep on me," he said to the boys. "alright cya," they all say. I wake up as he puts me down, "come lay down," i say with my arm wide open. "Okay, just wait 2 seconds,"he said while changing into shorts cause it was really hot. He lays down with me, we both fall asleep. I wake up to Daelo tapping me. "Hey, you okay?" i ask him as he is crying. "can i lay with you, im scared?" he asked as i wipe his tears away. "yea, of course," i say really tired. He jumps into the bed and cuddles into me.


Hey sorry, i fell asleep
where are you?

Just in javons room

Im staying over,
if you wanna go
then go okay?

Yea, i might stay
over if thats ok?

Yea ill text Jessica


Hey, is it okay for
Olivia to stay?

Yes of course but she
has to stay with Javon

Okay, thanks, love you

love you too

(Cousin Olivia Part 3)

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