Jaden's obsession (part 2)

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Me, Jayla, Jaden and Javon all got into the pool. About 2 hours later we all went upstairs and went live on Javon phone. Jaden was sitting next to me with his head on my shoulder.


User7266 - 'Y/n is so pretty'
User827 - 'Jaden is so luckyy'
User12 - 'How did Javon and y/n meet?'

"We are both playing a main character in Euphoria," i say while looking at Javon.

User12 - 'What characters?'

"I play Ashtray and we arent allowed to say y/n's character because we havent released any episodes with her in it yet," javon said giving me a slight smirk. "Yup, gotta waitt," i say. "You guys wanna watch a movie?" Jaden asks. "Yea, sure," we all say. "Alright, bye guys," Jayla says while ending the live. "What movie?" javon asks. " I don't know," i say. Javon picked a movie, me and Jaden were cuddling up together, til i fell asleep. about 10 mins after i fell asleep, Jaden fell asleep. "Hey, you 2 awake?" Jayla asked as we are fast asleep. "Aww, look how cute, im gonna post that," javon said. "they're gonna hate you," jayla says while laughing.


Liked by onwardnation, jaylawaltonofficial and 3,000 others

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Liked by onwardnation, jaylawaltonofficial and 3,000 others

User324 - They are so cute!
- yes they are
liked by 1,392 people

User442 - He can do so much better
-User822 - she is literally perfect!
liked by 300 people

tribe6strong - They are so cute together!😍
-We need get them together!

1 hour later me and Jaden wake up. "Hey ma," he said in a tired voice.
"Hey, how'd you sleep?" i asked him slowly going back to sleep. "Good, since i was cuddling you," jaden said giving a quick smirk. "I'm going back to sleep," i said really tired. "Alright, ill take you to my room," he said while carrying me there. "Thanks j," i said while stuffing my face into his chest. He put me down onto his bed and pulled the covers over me, as he went to go kiss my forehead i moved, making our lips touch. I just turned around and smiled, ive liked jaden since i met him so i didnt mind,

"uh- ma, you know we just kissed right?" he asked trying not to blush. "Yes i do know," i say smiling. "You don't care?" he asked kinda confused. "Nope, now get so i can sleep," i said but i really wanted him to stay. "uh- no im staying," he says while jumping into the bed. "Soo, what you wanna talk about?" he asked me "nothing, im tryna sleep," i say looking up at him. "right, sorry," he said kinda upset. "it's fine," i say while giving him a peck on the lips. Jaden laid there in shock thinking about what just happened. "what?" i asked him. " you j-just kissed me," he said really confused. "yea, so?" i asked. I laid my head down and immediately fell asleep.

(Keeping a secret)

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