16th Birthday (Part 2)

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(Y/n and Sam's birthday)
(Gonna do a Euphoria Part 1 and 2 maybe aswell)(STORY IS LONG)

Mine and Sam's brithday is 2 weeks after Jaden and Javon's. Jaden has planned a big dinner thing so i have to get ready and stuff. So in the shower i go. (you know how it goes)

 (you know how it goes)

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(your outfit)

I go downstairs and Sam has all his friends over like seriously, I walk into the kitchen and of Sam's friend's slap my ass so i turned around and hit him in the nose causing it to bleed. "told you not to do it," Sam said while laughing. I make my way into the kitchen and make breakfast

 I make my way into the kitchen and make breakfast

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(Your breakfast)

I finish eating, so then i start cleaning. Once i finished i run back up stairs and finish getting ready. Once i was ready i walked back down stairs. "Sam! I'm leaving bye!" i yelled out. "Bye, have fun, don't die!" he yelled sarcastically. "Bye" all his friends yell.

(This is gonna be a long story to, ill try make it short but skip if not wanting to read, just a birthday party)

As soon as i walk in "y/n!" Daelo was screaming cause he hadn't seen me in ages. "Hey D! I missed you," i say while hugging him."Happy birthday," he says kissing my cheek. "Aw, thanks," i say. As i stand up i heard. "Happy birthday!" from Jess, Dj, Javon and Jayla, they had so many presents on the table next to them. . "Thank you guys so much," i say holding my tears back. Jayla comes over and hugs me which makes my tears fall. "Don't cry" Jess say running over and hugging me. "No one has ever done this ever, not even my family," i say crying. "Well your more than welcome to live with us and be apart of the family," Dj in a serious voice. "Wait- what?" i say confused "Dadd!" Javon, Jayla and Daelo say.

1 hour later, Jaden comes home from practice (Baseball). I was sitting on the couch and he ran and jumps on me. "Happy birthday, i love you," he say while cuddling me. "Thanks, love you too," i answered back. "you okay?" he asked me and i was half asleep. "Yea, just tired, imma go lay down," i say heading up to his room. "ill be there in a minute, just talking to mom and dad.

"Mom and dad, does she know about the moving in things?" i asked. "No but your dad nearly ruined it before," mom said it an annoyed voice."Ok well we going to sleep so, if you need  us we will be up stairs. I walk into the  room and Y/n's asleep. i got into the shower. wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out the get clothes. y/n was awake on her phone. "Hey, what you doing?" she asked. "just getting dressed," i answered back. "okay, im going back to sleep," she says as she lays back down. i got dressed and laid down with her, a bit later i fell asleep.

I set an Alarm for 4 pm so i would wake up and so i did, i went to the bathroom, washed my face and went downstairs, no one was there, i looked outside, inside everywhere, no one was home, so i just sat on Jaden's bed. and texted him.


Hey where are you?

We just out getting
some stuff

Can you get me a
boba please?

Yea, we will be home
in about 30 mins

ok, love you

I texted Sam to see what he was doing but he didn't answer so, i text Oliva after wards.


Hey, what you doing?
Are you dead?


Hey, what you doing?

Happy birthday and
nothing why?

Thanks, and cause
no one is answering
me like at all

It kind of weird tho like
they always answer me

They're probably just
doing stuff

Yea maybe anyways

A few minutes Jaden and that got home. "Y/n here's you boba!" he yells so i run down stairs. "thanks," i say kissing him and walking away.

(skip til 6:30pm)

"Hey, is everyone ready?" Jess asked as she was in a rush. "yea" we all say and get into the car. About 10 minutes later we pull up at this really fancy restaurant."Where are we?" Daelo asked. "Remember that place for y/n but shh, dont tell her," jaden whisperes into his ear. I had Daelo holding one hand and Jaden holding the other. we walk inside and see that it was empty but a few seconds later everyone popped out "Surprise!" they all yelled. "Thank you guys so much," i say thanking them. "it wasn't us" they all say pointing at Jaden. "You did all this?" i asked him. "yea with a bit of help," he said pointing at Jayla. I hug Jaden and cry into his shoulder. "Thanks, so much, this means so much to me," i say crying. I walk over to Jayla hugging her. "Now there's one more big surprise," dj says "but not til after dinner and stuff," "okay," i say with pure excitement.

(Big surprise)
Dj pulls put this envelope. "Now this present if from all of us," he says as he hands me the envelope. as i open it he says. " now i know how hard it gets at home but we really want to make you feel  welcome  into this family and make yourself at home or be at home. I read the letter inside and start to cry. "yes," i say very faintly just enough for Daelo to hear. "she said yes!" Daelo yelled. I looked up and smiled and said yes loud enough for everyone to hear.

(Divers test Part1)
(sorry for the LONG stories)

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