School starts again (part 1)

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It was the night before the first day back to school which meant getting up early. I set an alarm for 6am. I went for a shower (you know how it goes)

 I went for a shower (you know how it goes)

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(your pj's)

I jumped onto the bed, not realizing Jaden was there. "Ow! that hurt ma," he said in pain. "Sorry, i didnt see you there," i say hugging him. "It's alright, wanna watch a movie?" he asked. "yea but you pick," i said. "Ok," he said putting on a movie. He put on *The Sandlot* he loves that movie as its about baseball. My eyes started to get heavy and just like that, I was asleep.

It was 6am. I woke up to my alarm going off. Jaden was already at practice, he had it all day. I got out of bed, i brushed my teeth, did my skin care and then got dressed.

(your outfit)

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(your outfit)

After i got dressed and went and woke Javon up and told him to get ready. I went down stairs and got something to eat. While i was eating Javon came down stairs and got something to eat. "Morning," Jess says walking into the kitchen. "Morning," Javon and i both say. After i finished eating, i washed my bowl and than sat down waiting for Javon. "Let's go," Javon says dragging me out the door. "Bye!" i yell to the others.

We get to school and head to the assembly room. Everyone was in there to figure out their classes. When i got my timetable i went to find Javon, after 5 minutes i found him. "What class do you have first?" i asked him. "Drama," he said. "same," i said. We got to the classroom and walked in. We were already late and as soon as we walk into the room, all eyes were on us. "Sorry were late Sir," we both say sitting down. "Who's that?" Javon asked pointing at the new girl. When she turned around, i realized i knew her. "That's my ex bestfriend, Melanie," i say pissed.

After class Melanie tried talking to me. "Hey y/n, how have you been?" she asked. "Don't talk to me," i say turning around. "What did i ever do to you?" she asked acting all innocent. "what so you dont remember fucking my ex boyfriend, whilst we were together and than saying it was an accident because you were "drunk" though you and i both know that you weren't fucking drunk!" i say loud enough for people around us to hear. "Uh- y/n, you alright?" i heard Javon say walking up to me. "Yea, this bitch wanted to talk acting innocent," i say. "Omg- Javon Walton!" Melanie says as she can't believe who it was. "yea, that's me now leave," Javon says in an annoyed tone. "or wha-" she tried saying but then got cut off by me punching her. "Man, it isn't even past midday and you wanna start me up, i mean come on bitch lets go, round 3 right here, right now," i say as she gets up. "alright then," she says while throwing a left hook but doesnt meet any part of my body. "weak!" i yell as she tries to hit again but misses.

"She cant fight for shit, even if her life depended on it," i hear someone say. "Who you talking about bitch," i say walking up to her. "you and what you gonna do huh?" she asked whilst shaping up. "I wouldn't do that!" someone yells to the girl shaping up. "or wha- she says being cut off by my hand flying straight into her nose. "What's that, cant fight?" i say sarcastically, whilst laughing. i started to walk away but Melanie yelled "i aint finished with you!". " oh bet- i tried saying but Javon cuts me off  "lets just go home," he says taking my hand. "yea take your poxy ass girlfriend home," she says causing us to stop walking. "you know what, knock her the fuck out," he says pushing me towards her.

(school starts part 2)

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