Pool party 💧

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One of my friends are having a pool party. I wasnt quite sure if i want to go becuase of the guys that would hit on y/n and the girls hitting on me. But i asked y/n and she agreed to going.

One of Jaden's friends were having a pool party and so jaden asked me if i wanted to go. I obviously said yes, but I was curious on who was going. But that doesnt matter right now, i need to get ready!

I got into the shower (you know how it goes)

I got into the shower (you know how it goes)

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(your outfit)

Jaden and I got hungry so we went to McDonald's and got food. "what time does the pool party start?" i ask. "around 4, why?" he asked. "just wondering," i say.

(It's now 4 o'clock)
I start driving over the Jaden's friends house. When we got there Jaden pulled me in and kissed me and said "im sorry if i do anything stupid,". "It's okay, its just a party," i say giving him a kiss. We walk inside and i see Emily. "Well my day just got ruined,"i say pissed. "why, what's wrong?" he asked confused. "Emily is here," i said. "Look, just ignore her, if she starts then round 2 and you beat the fuck outta her okay?" he said hugging me tightly.

(Skip to 2 hours later)

Emily walks up to Jaden drunk. She's been getting kinda clingy but i didn't think much of it as she is drunk and i didn't want to fight. A few seconds later i see her tryna kiss him. He pushes her off but she goes back. "No, i don't think so bitch," i said ripping her by her hair. "Hey! let go of her!" one you her friends say. "come get your bitch before round 2 starts," i said kinda loudy. "Oh, so your the one who did that to her," she says as she takes a swing but misses. "come on man, can i ever go a day without fighting," i say as i punch her in the mouth causing it to bleed. "oops-" i said laughing.

Me and Jaden left and went back home. We got into the shower. (different). Jaden went down stairs to get some snacks while i was laying down on the bed. I slowly start to fall asleep. Then i hear Jaden open the door. He put the snacks down and cuddled me. Few moments later, We both fell asleep.

(Javon's new girl)

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