Keeping a secret (part 2)

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(just going from where it last ended)

Jess and Javon both look at me with smirks on their faces. I walk upstairs and walk into is room without knocking. He was on the game playing with his friends. he heard the door squeak and yelled "Daelo get out!" "I'm not Daelo, but i can leave if you want me to," i say sarcastically. "Oh, alright, imma go boys cya," he says while logging off. "simp," all the boys say through the headset. "Daelo said you wanted to see me?" i ask him confused. "yea, i needa confess," he said nervously. "same, but you first," i said. "alright, uh- so basically i really like you an-" he said but i cut him off with a kiss. "i like you too," i say leaning back into the kiss. "So, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked nervously. "No," i said. "oh- ok," he said upset. "I'm jokingg, of course i will," i said while hugging him. "No one but the family can know okay?" he asked me. "okay," i said kissing him once more than running down to Jessica.

"Hey Jessicaaa!" i yelled with excitement. "yea y/n?" she said confused on why i was so happy. "so you know how i like jaden and he likes me anyways, were dating," i said happily. "Wait- really, Yayyy!" she yelled in excitement. Jayla walked in "why are we so happy?" Jayla asked alll confused. "can i tell her?" Jess ask, I shook my head yes. "Y/n and Jaden are dating," she said so happily. "Wait- yess finally! Javon you owe me money now!" she said while hugging me. "Were keeping it between the family though," i said.


  Caption - Love this girl to much❤  - Jaylawaltonofficialliked by onwardwanna, onwardjdub, onwardnation and 2,571 others

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  Caption - Love this girl to much❤
  - Jaylawaltonofficial
liked by onwardwanna, onwardjdub, onwardnation and 2,571 others


User725 - They're so pretty 😍
- so are you x
liked by 1,002 people

User8166 - You guys seem so fun!
-We are so fun like 🤪
liked by 2,126

Tribe6strong - My 2 beautiful girls
- Thanks Jes, love you
liked by 1,035 people

Onwardjdub - Y/n tho😍
- same goes to you
-User715 - Seem sus
-Nope not at all😁

(Don't know whats next so yea, give me some ideas)

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