Baseball game (part1)

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Today i had a baseball game today, but i didnt wanna go. I had to go as my team was short on players. I set an alarm at 6am the night before so i could get ready. The alarm was going off but i didn't wake up. "Hey, wake up," i heard y/n say. "no," i answered. "you have a game today, you have to," she said giving me a kiss.

Today Jaden had a game but he didnt wanna wake up. His alarm kept going off, but he didn't wake up. I was telling him to get up, "hey wake up,". "no," he said stuffing his face into the pillows. "You have a game and you need to get ready," i said giving him a kiss.

We both got up and got ready. "im going for a shower," i said. (i went for a shower than Jaden did) I showered ( you know how it goes)

 (i went for a shower than Jaden did) I showered ( you know how it goes)

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(your outfit)

We go down stairs to get a yoghurt bowl

We go down stairs to get a yoghurt bowl

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"Hey, you ready," i asked. "yea, just let me tell mom," jaden said walking to his mom. I wait in the car for Jaden. I drive to the fields and his team was waiting for him. We got out and walked down there. "Im gonna go sit on the stands, good luck," i say giving him a kiss. "Thanks, bye," he says. As i go to sit down i see Emily (the waitress). i didn't think much of it til the end of the game. Jaden's team won like always.

I see Jaden at the bottom of the stands so i run up to him. "Good job!" i say happily giving him a kiss. "Thanks- is that Emily?" he asked. "Yea she's been screaming and cheering for you this whole tine but i kept control," i say rolling my eyes. "Uh- she's coming over," he says as i spin around real fast.

(baseball part 2)

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