06 : 𝖨𝗇 𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖬𝖺𝗌𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗋𝖺𝖽𝖾

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Jang Ivy has always been a self-centered brat. Ever since she learned how to savor the privilege of being rich, she refused to bring her feet to touch the humble ground. To her a 'no' means 'yes', unless its her choice to decide which one's acceptable and which isn't. She makes the rules and sees herself as a queen— a reigning monarch in her diamond-encrusted, little world.

She didn't know why many people despised her however. For all she cared about was her fragrant image to the press and her relationship with Inspector Kang. She figured, it must've been the poor Coussac locals igniting her with their insecurities. She's too perfect to be loved, hence she had to endure the inevitable surge of hate. She could only imagine the petty look on their faces.

"Ivy," Inspector Kang held her tiny waist. "We're barely halfway through the party and you're already on your third glass of champagne. Put that down."

"Don't tell me what to do," the female lowly grunted. "It's my drink, not yours."

"So you're still mad at me. You can't be serious, darling."

"I'm your girlfriend, Taehyun. I have all the rights to be upset. Now, get out of my sight."

"You're lucky I showed up here, otherwise you'd be throwing a childish fit."

"What do you want me to say then?" Ivy raised a brow, her red lips pulled into a frown. "Am I supposed to thank you for that?"

Inspector Kang crossed his arms. "Yes."

"You're my lover, Taehyun. It's your duty to come to my occasion whether you like it or not."

A swirl of pride lit a match inside her as she saw her boyfriend's expression falter. Victorious, she smugly and strutted away, her sequin-studded gown lightly kissing the floor. Inspector Kang bluntly rolled his eyes, his fragile heart breaking into pieces as he watched her go. He took off his mask, his heavenly features flashing beneath the sparkling chandeliers. His veiny hands smoothed the fabric of his tuxedo, its silky texture putting his bubbling tension into ease.

A group of ladies tried to wave at him. He could only wave back and smile with utter politeness. He absently raked through his hair, sauntering over to the chocolate fountain in hopes of getting a sweet snack. Inspector Kang took a look around— everyone seemed to be enjoying the event. Ivy was busy laughing with her friends, her pink mask pleasantly countering the color of her eyes.

A stranger suddenly came into view. The detective squinted, catching glimpse of how he flung a sneaky arm on the girl's shoulder. He was just about to confront the two when Mayor Jang appeared into the balcony, his lanky physique ever concerning yet intimidating at the same time.

"Beloved guests and friends," the man began. "Good evening."

A cloud of applause rose to the ceiling, prompting Mayor Jang to smile. Beside him stood his wife, embellished with blinding pearls and faux fur. Ivy gracefully made her way towards her parents, a sugary grin painted on her fair complexion.

"We are gathered here tonight to celebrate two incredible successes— Deborah's growing fashion industry and I, your mayor's excellency."

"Four years have passed and we were able to mark a lot of milestones. We did our best to cater the neverending needs of our people. We saw the city of Coussac flourish and thrive before our very eyes."

𝖨𝗇 𝖬𝗒 𝖣𝖾𝖿𝖾𝗇𝗌𝖾 : 𝖱𝖾𝗂𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝖽 | 𝖪𝖺𝗇𝗀 𝖳𝖺𝖾𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇Where stories live. Discover now