13 : 𝖲𝖼𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗌 𝖣𝗋𝖺𝗆𝖺

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Inspector Kang didn't know how he managed to return to his room without throwing punches here and there. Pugsy had him tied once more, freeing his ankles and wrists so he could have a little bit of freedom inside. All the windows slammed shut, though the detective did catch glimpse of the fiery sunset setting in the horizon. He slumped against the wall, his dry lips agape as Officer Lyon's confession circled around his head like a spinning vinyl refusing to be silenced.

"Y/N's gonna be in the television tonight," Pugsy roughly informed, kicking him a bowl of cold soup. "Eat."

"What are you gonna do with the officers?" Inspector Kang boldly inquired, ignoring his share of food.

Pugsy smirked. "You'll see."

And with that, he left, closing the door with a heavy thud. Inspector Kang exasperatedly sighed, his petrified eyes scanning the surroundings for an escape route. He spotted a box television suspended from the ceiling. Its noisy static tickled his ears, awakening him from a distant trance. Soon enough, an odd news-like music resonated from the background. It was faint and a little distorted, as if it was being played in reverse. Coussac's official badge eventually flashed in the screen, but instead of the usual glorified stamp of an eagle perched on a golden globe, it depicted an image of a hawk carrying Mayor Jang's decapitated head as it stoon on top of a gravestone.

"What the fuck," Inspector Kang quietly murmured, a strike of terror washing his face pale. "Y/N, you sick psycho—"

As though it was her queue, the criminal strutted into the frame, clad in an unusual tight suit. Patches of faux fur and animal skins merged together to create a fashionable, hand-me-down abstract. She wore a brown paper bag to mask her face, bearing a childish doodle of kitty whiskers drawn on the blank surface to indicate playfulness and mockery. Inspector Kang stared, his jaw dropping as he saw the girl haul a tiny pistol from her thigh holster.

Before Y/N were the three officers, all restricted into their responsible torture chairs. Officer Lyon anxiously shivered as he mindlessly chewed on his lips. Officer Fontaine remained unfazed, although his throbbing Adam's apple hinted that he too was nervous. Officer Vernier aggressively squirmed on his seat, his loud mouth sputtering words as if they were his means of salvation. Y/N coped with their stubbornness, a vile of distaste eliciting a bitter flavor on her tongue.

"Ladies and gents," she airly greeted to the cameras. "Broadcasting live from you-fucking-guess-where is your beloved criminal, the untouchable Masked Phantom Of Futuristic Couture. The fear of all fears. Y/N L/N."

Pugsy and his peers proudly applauded from behind, their excited cheers and whistles audible amidst Officer Vernier's wrathful screams. Y/N strutted towards the raging man, her gun dangerously close to firing a bullet as her finger itched to pull the sweet trigger. Officers Fontaine and Lyon gulped.

"And boy, who do we have here," the girl cooed. "It seems like Jang Kennedy's lost contact with his men. I wonder what these three bastards have in common."

"Fuck you!" Officer Vernier yelled. "Fuck you and your people! You're all a bunch of cowards! A bunch of merciless murderers!"

"Now, now, darling," Y/N gripped a handful of his hair. "This isn't what the CCPD had taught you. You don't want to upset Kennedy with your language, so be careful."

Somewhere within the Jang's manor sprawled Ivy, relaxing on a velvety couch with a glass of margarita resting between her bejewelled fingers. She merely wanted to relax after spending the day with her secret lover when her favorite drama had been cut off by an alarming broadcast. Heaven and hell must've collided to squish her soul into bits, so to speak, as Y/N's voice sparked a sense of panic inside her. Hoisting up, she screeched for her parents.

𝖨𝗇 𝖬𝗒 𝖣𝖾𝖿𝖾𝗇𝗌𝖾 : 𝖱𝖾𝗂𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝖽 | 𝖪𝖺𝗇𝗀 𝖳𝖺𝖾𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇Where stories live. Discover now