16 : 𝖫𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝖶𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝖬𝖺𝖽𝖾 𝖬𝖾 𝖣𝗈

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It was a night of celebration.

Inspector Kang found himself wandering through the halls of the Jang's manor after sundown to feast upon Y/N's so-called demise. The elites were quick to flood the dancefloor, their pleasant chatters and giggles filling the expensive air. Classical music played by the food stand, its grand harmony tickling everyone's ears. The young detective searched for his peers. There next to a marble pillar, he found them drinking as they exchanged marvelous reenactments in regards with the preceding drama.

Inspector Kang clutched on his glass of whiskey. He couldn't seem to quite understand what just happened. First, he snuck Y/N elsewhere and God knows what she's up to at this moment. Second, he was greeted by Mayor Jang the minute he returned to the headquarters and received a fair load of cash. Then there he was, mingling with the hierarchies as though he never intended to betray them in the villainess' behalf.

"Taehyun," a meek voice made him snap back to reality. "I don't like it here."

Inspector Kang lowered his gaze. "In a while, Lily. I just need to find Ivy and then we'll bounce home, alright?"

"The food sucks, so does the fruit punch."

"Pumpkin, I'll get you a box of your favorite snacks later, calm down."

"I missed you," Lily chirped. "Thank you for keeping your promise."

"I told you I'd get you out of there, angel."

Oh, how could he ever forget about his sister?

With all the money he had in his pocket, he knew better than to let such opportunity slip past his fingers. The detective crouched on his heels to plant a chaste kiss on her forehead. Embarrassed, Lily wiped the invisible mark off her skin before scurrying away to find a sweet treat. By then, the detective felt a hand tap his back. He immediately straightened to see his girlfriend in her sparkly, red dress. A feigned smile stretched his lips as he pulled her into a halfhearted embrace.

"Can we talk?" Ivy asked. "Outside?"

"Sure, why not?"

Pleased, Ivy took him by the wrist and dashed. Inspector Kang bubbled with disgust, especially now that he's fully aware of the tricks she's got in her sleeves. He was nothing but a mere prized token of false fantasy and that alone was enough to kindle an ember of regret in his conscience. If only he wasn't too blind to not see through her bullshit, then he would've spared himself from humiliation and betrayal.

The couple eventually came to a halt as soon as they reached the courtyard. The lights from the mansion bathed the green bermuda, casting shadows as it, too, hit the glorious topiaries. Downhill, a swarm of commoners flocked to protest in line with last night's broadcast. Ivy didn't seem to care as she yanked her man by the collar and leaned in for a kiss. Inspector Kang shivered, sensing the evident breath of seduction fanning from the girl's lips. It didn't take a minute for Ivy to realize that something was wrong, hence she pulled away and frowned.

"Don't just stand there, stupid," she hissed. "Kiss me back."

"Ah," Inspector Kang darkly cooed. "You want me so bad, darling, it shows."

Nodding, Ivy stooped in once more to devour him. Inspector Kang subtly returned the favor, his right hand finding rest on her waist while the other slithered to yield something from his suit pocket. The kiss gradually deepened as Ivy hungrily slipped a palm inside her boyfriend's shirt. Inspector Kang held her closer and grunted, causing the girl to snicker.

𝖨𝗇 𝖬𝗒 𝖣𝖾𝖿𝖾𝗇𝗌𝖾 : 𝖱𝖾𝗂𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝖽 | 𝖪𝖺𝗇𝗀 𝖳𝖺𝖾𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇Where stories live. Discover now