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Chapter One (Edited)

General P.O.V (Andrew)

An alarm woke Andrew from his slumber and as he was rolling to put it off, he fell flat on his face with a thump.

"Shit, that hurts". He whined and cussed, rubbing his forehead vigorously as he pushed himself off the ground and flopped back unto his fluffy bed, completely zoning out the alarm buzzing by his side table. Closing his eyes but not falling back asleep.

"Andrew Hemmington Powers. Put off that annoying alarm and get ready for your first day in your new school". His mother shouted from underneath the stairs. He groaned and rolled off the bed, avoiding falling again this time. He went into his bathroom and started his morning routine whilst remembering how he got to now...



He choked.

He quickly grabbed the glass of orange juice and washed down the piece of lasagna stuck in his throat. He continued coughing and gently patting his chest. When he cooled down, he turned to his mother and shouted, WHAT?!"

"Yes Andrew, we are leaving here in a week's time. I've already informed the school authorities and booked the tickets. Everything is ready". His mother calming said and sipped on her orange juice.

"You've been planning this thing for a long time, seeing as you've already booked the tickets and informed the school, BUT WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD ME?! I don't want to move! This is my last year in high school and you want me to move? Where to? What's the essence?" Andrew rambled, yelling at his mom. But she started crying and yelled back.

"Do you think I didn't think about all these things before making this decision?! You think I don't know what I am doing?! Or that I don't know what is best for you?!" she yelled and Andrew mumbled, "
I seriously don't think you do". But she didn't hear him and continued yelling, "Since your father died, I've been trying, trying to get back on my feet emotionally, mentally, physically. I see him everywhere, I hear his voice, his laughter, and I feel him, his scent. Am going crazy and for once I want to be selfish and do what I want for a change, so quit being so self-centered and start packing your things. We are leaving on Friday, be ready". His mother left her food unfinished and stormed into her room upstairs, slamming the door shut.



"Andrew, breakfast is ready". His mom shouted from the kitchen below and he shouted back, "Am coming".

Andrew had been very angry with his mom for making them move but he understood. He couldn't be selfish. His mother was getting better and better and she no longer had those hideous eye bags under her eyes. They had gotten here a week ago and he was still getting used to the small town that they were now living in.

Vampville. Even the name sounded conspicuous. It was striking. His mother even made a joke about vampires being the ones to name the town. He wondered if he could meet some, it would be so exciting.

When they had driven into the town, past the sign that said, 'WELCOME TO VAMPVILLE', he felt as if he had been here before, as if the little town was calling to him for something. Even though he had never been here before, he felt like he knew this town like the back of his hand. His mother said, his grandfather was from Vampville. He wondered why he had never been here before if his granddad was from here.

He quickly got dressed up in a white dress shirt and plain, flair blue jeans. The jeans he wore were flair at the ankles. He decided against it and went with plain blue, normal jeans, so as not to attract unwarranted attention to him as it was his first day. It was hard for him, as he was an attention whore.

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