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Chapter Ten (Edited)

General P.O.V (Andrew)

The part 1: End

The red-haired prince already had a plan mapped out. He would never allow his father to commit such an evil crime. He planned to steal the stone. The stone would never hurt someone whose intentions were good.

He asked for the help of the Leaders of the supernaturals and he was granted it.

The plan would be for everything the king planned for that day to occur but he wouldn't be able to find the stone. The prince pleaded with them not to inform their people in order not to cause panic all over the supernatural world. The festivities will go on as planned, all will be revealed to the people once the plan succeeded'.

'The Festival Of Beginnings'.

The festival of Beginnings is the most important festival in the history of supernaturals. It is a three-day celebration that was started by the merfolks to thank the gods for creating them. The other creatures had about it and then collectively decided to celebrate it every year for three days to show gratefulness to the gods.

The first day was mainly for Prayers. The creatures gather together to pray to the gods.

The second day was the main celebration. It was the day the creatures ate, drank and danced together whilst thanking the gods for creating them and for continually protecting and providing for them.

The third day is the day the creatures set aside for Thanksgiving. All creatures go to the temple of their various gods and give an offering. It can be of money, fruits, food stuffs, animals. Anything at all, as long as you can afford it and that it comes from your heart.

The creatures pray that there will be continuous peace across the supernatural Kingdom and that nothing will put an end to it. They also pray that they would be alive to see the next Festival of Beginnings.

Unfortunately, the festival was stopped a few generations after Prince Misfa and has not been conducted to this very day'.

"That's terrible. Such a nice festival". Ryan said with a poignant tone.

"I know right? It must be the new generation, thinking themselves too cool to pray and thank their creators". Jerry said with a somber tone and expression.

The friends all nodded and concurred to what Jerry had said and motioned for Andrew to continue reading, which he did. Flipping over to the next page, he read,

'The First Day Of The Festival'.

'A week before the festival and a lot of creatures flocked into Vampville from far and near. Vampville was chosen as the place where the festival will be held every year as it was the town the Stone was in.

Every inn in Vampville was packed; a few creatures camped outside in tents. Vampville was the second biggest town followed by Wolville, so space was no problem but the number of supernatural creatures increased year after year and with the minimal death rate because some of the creatures don't age and die, the population increased and increased.

Soon it was the day of the festival, everywhere was decorated. Temples to various gods were glistening from cleaning and pretty from the decoration. People were in a festive mood and dressed beautifully, a lot of cooking was going on. The air was crisp and fresh, the atmosphere wonderful and the mood of the entire town, prefect.

All was going well in the castle; the plans to take down the king were on the way and the plans for the king to become one with the Stone, was also on the way. The king planned to let the creatures enjoy the first two days of the festival but he would ruin it for them by the third as that was the day, he'll take the stone.

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