Just Like Old Times!

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WARNING: gets a little dark at the end, nothing I'd consider too serious but just thought I'd warn. :)

Oki enjoy now :D


After Staring at it for a amount of time, Sunny opened the door. The door swung open with a creak

"Woahhhhh, it hasn't changed one bit!"

Kel walked into the room, gawking at almost everything he laid his eyes on. Sunny stood in the doorway, nothing was THAT special about his room. Just plain whitish-baish walls with a light bulb. Bookcase, computer, dresser, and a bed, Kel acted like he was in a god damn castle.


Kel exclaimed, grabbing the book without thinking. Then before he opened it he placed it back where it was and turned to Sunny, who was still in the doorway.

"May i look at it please?"

Kel asked. Sunny nodded and Kel celebrated by what can only be described as punching the air. As Kel flipped through the pages, Sunny got more and more curious what he put in the sketch book, since it'd been so long since he looked through it.

Sunny finnally walked in and came up behind Kel, when he noticed Sunny was behind him, Kel moved his head to the side so he could look too.

"It's stunning what you draw in here, it's so lively."

Kel exclaimed, While sunny was looking at him in confusion. It was just a stick figure from 2 years ago.

"Actually there's a picture of all of us at the start of this sketch book, it dates 5 years back but that's fine"

Kel flipped to one of the front pages, revealing crudely drawn people. Despite what the picture looked like, it was infact all of them, before Sunny gave up on the outside. Hero, Basil, Aubrey, Kel and M̴̤̖͕͉̘̩̱̬̏͂̾̕͝a̷̛̩͖̠͉͕͙͋r̷̡̪̙̥̄̀͠i̷̜̥̰͔̺̯̠̲͇̒̈́̃͆̄͂̈́͝.

"I think it's the best one, even if it's a bit dated, y'know?"

Kel warmly smiled at Sunny as he sat up and gave the sketch book back. There was only one thing on his mind, as he put the sketch book in a safe place.

'whats the real reason your here Kel?'

Sunny wanted to know, since the excuse he gave was a bunch of nonsense.


"What's up Sun'.?"

"Why ya looking at me like that?"


"..Why are you here Kel..?"

Sunny stared blankly at Kel, who was still smiling like a doofus.

"I already told you! Did you forget already?"

"I'm not dumb Kel."

Kel chuckled and glanced to the side

"I guess after all these years you still know me quite well, huh Sunny?"


"Well uh, it's cause y'know i was kinda lonely. Not like i don't have friends, i do but like."


"They kinda are mean, or just weird, or both. Almost all of them, not like their bad or anything but thats why I've been thinking about you guys, because you and basil and the others are like, different."


"Look i just wanted to get the group together, even if it was just one day! It's be so cool and fun y'know. I already got Basil and Hero on board, i could probably get Aubrey to say yes with some convincing, so i came to... You first?"

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