it's 1am, guys.

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Absolute Chaos broke out.

kids were running out of the maze in fear, crying could be heard everywhere, as blocks flew threw the air.
Parents ushered their children out of there, while the kids whoes parents were shopping took cover under the barrage of foam. Some got hit trying to go to a safe zone.
Everything was abandoned, after it was cleared out, the only thing heard was the screams and laughter of the group, while foam blocks echoed Like bombs acrossed the ground.

All this to say

It really did look like a war zone.

On the ground;

a castle was being built by Basil, while Aubrey chucked blocks, targeting Kels face. The foam blocks tracked like missiles through the air, sometimes hitting Kel, sometimes missing. Aubrey also aimed to hit Sunny but a wall he built protected against that.

In the air, or well the top of the play maze;

Kel tried to counter the blocks being thrown, with other blocks and he'd throw blocks back at Aubrey.
He'd also collect them, then drop all of them at the same time causing everything to stop for a bit while everyone recovered.
This gave Sunny enough much needed time to rebuild the wall he'd built to protect Kel and himself.



Basil then ran, as blocks rained down, destroying the castle partly.

"Oh god."

Kel yelled to Sunny, who perked his head up, still smiling like crazy from all the caffeine.

"What's up?!?"

He spoke bouncing up and down slightly, he was a lot more more talkative now that the caffeine was in full swing.

"Basil is getting something, AND I DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS!"

"What?! No way let me see."

Sunny peaked over the wall, then immediately ducked as Aubrey threw a block straight at his head.

When he looked down again, he saw Basil walking with a random kid.

"Basil..WHAT IS THIS?"

Aubrey gestured to the kid, that couldn't have been more than 6 years old.

"...You said get something... so i grabbed a child to help us out."

"That's.. not what i meant."


Aubrey sighed and looked to the kid, crouching down to his level.

"Do you know what a bomb is?"

Aubrey smiled, in her sweetest sweet voice.

As they all talked down there, Sunny and Kel watched in horror.

"Oh god this is bad!"

"I know the poor ki-"

Kel then interrupted Sunny.


Kel yelled, grabbing some of the blocks and throwing at them.


Aubrey screamed dragging the kid in the castle while Basil walked in behind them.

Kel then targeted the castle, breaking it A bit but not destroying it.


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