𓂀 ㄚㄖㄩ 山乇尺乇 ㄥ卂ㄒ乇. 𓂀

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TW: sensitive topics, please proceed with caution.


Kel opened his eyes slowly.
An Hour or so had passed by.

He was in his bed, back in his room. Hero sat over him putting a ice pack on his Kels head, he looked worried.


Kel called out, now feeling that pain in his head. Hero jumped up and looked relieved.

"Kel! Thank goodness you're awake.. i was starting to worry."


Hero sighed in relief. Kel started to remember some of the stuff that happened.

"...jeez....that's the angriest ive ever seen you.."

"Oh ..yeah.....I'm sorry...."

Hero looked down, feeling guilty for hitting his younger brother

"...so what happened..?"


Hero hesitated on the answer.

"...most of its a blur...for me .. im just.....glad Aubrey was there."

He then looked to the side.

"..or i might've been in jail by now."


The room was awkwardly quiet after that.

"So what happened with Sunny..?"

Kel asked quietly.

Hero expression and tone changed a bit, he scowled as he looked to the side

"I'm not sure, when we left he was still in the treehouse. Whatever happened...i think he got what was coming to him."


Kel stayed silent, he didn't like that fact that he didn't know what happened to Sunny.

"You think i could go see him..?"



Hero looked at his brother.

"You shouldn't ask me. I'm... Still angry. And id rather you not..."

Hero paused

"But it's your choice."


Kel exclaimed getting up.

"I'm gonna go talk with Sunny!"

Hero watched as Kel ran out the room door, and to Sunny's house.

As Kel approached the front yard, he knocked on the door.

*Knock knock*

No reply.

*Knock knock knock*




Kel decided that Sunny could be in the tree house still, so naturally, he snuck into the backyard. Going around the house.

When Kel got to the tree house, outside it was a mess. it looked like lots of knic-knacs, some old glass cups, and weirdly the golden cat calendar had fallen out. Most were broken. The scariest thing of all was barely visible, you had to be looking closely, tiny speckles of blood on the grass.

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