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Acckk, sorry for publishing it too early again, I usually lay down when making these so where I'm typing sometimes the publish button comes down.

I also should say i included the unbread twins in this, but i don't know their real world equivalent so uh yeah, sorry if it's wrong

(Edit: it's 4am lol sorry i just found out what their equvilant was so i changed some things, sorry.
Basically they aren't in it anymore)


After Sunny left, Kel, Hero and their mom cleaned the house as a 'bonding experience'

While cleaning, all Kel could think about was the hug Sunny had given him. It made him feel really happy, and his face a bit red.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

Hero snuck up on Kel, surprising him and making him jump.

"NOTHING! jeez can you give me a warning before you sneak up on me like that?"

Kel expressed, blushing like crazy, half from embarrassment half from what he was thinking about

"Okay okay!"

Hero scoffed.

After cleaning the entire downstairs, Hero and Kel went up to clean their room (mostly Kels mess though) whilst their mother went to clean the bathroom.

Hero brought in a cup of coffee before going in.

Kel was thinking more about Sunny, not even talking all that much, usually only one or two word responses to Hero. Then he sighed.

"Okay Kel, seriously what are you thinking about?"

"Huh?! Nothing!"


Hero rolled his eyes, then sipped his cup of coffee.

"I can tell somethings on your mind Kel, cmonnnn we're brothers! You can tell me, I've probably heard worst!"

"....well it's a bit embarrassing.. but i could use your help..."

Kel muttered, and looked to the side. Hero then placed his hand on his hips

"It's okay! I won't judge, just tell me and i help ya the best i can!"

Hero smiled as Kel took a deep breath.

"Well i think i have a ...crush on someone.."


Hero jokingly brought up.

"Wait how'd you know?

When Kel said that, Hero almost spit his coffee out.

"wait wait wait wait.... WHAT?!"


Hero thought for a moment.

"Yeah it makes sense, but still wowwww"

Hero laughed.

"So whatcha need help with?"

"Well..since you and... Y'know Mari.....were kinda a thing i thoughttt maybe you'd know how to.."

Kel figdeted as he thought.

"i dunno.. how you like.. knew? I guess"

"Knew what? Like the crush i had?"

"No no, like that she liked you too?"

"Oh, she just told me one day"


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