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It was snowing this morning, it was crazy.



Kel fell silent.

"What do you...mean..?"

He asked, looking down at Sunny slightly.

"I-i killed her K-kel... before t-the rec-recital...."

Sunny tried to keep hold of himself, trying desperately not to cry but like always, failing to do so.

"W-we had a argument....."

Sunny paused.

"A-and it got r-re-really heated....."


"And i-i was dumb! And i just.. gave her a push down the stairs...."


"I d-didn't mean to hurt h-her..! I-I just.. i d-don't know what i was t-thinking"


"A-and then B-Basil....p-poor Basil...he was at the bottom of those steps.."


"After a b-bit of panicking....w-we both decided tha-that it'd be best t-to just.....h-hang her...."


Kel had no words.

He had no idea of what to say.

So nothing came out.

Sunny backed away from Kel, slowly.

"I'm s-sorry.. I'm so so sorry ....i d-don't deserve how w-well you all have been treating me.."

Sunny choked up with tears.

Kel walked closer to Sunny, his head down with his hair covering his face so no distinct expression could be made.

"I-i get it if you d-don't forgive me....!"

Sunny darted his eyes.

Kel walked closer.

"..i-i don't forgive me either..."

Kel stood over Sunny as he stuttered.

Kel raised both his arms. The black hair boy prepared for the worse, tensing up his joints in defense as he shut his eyes fiercely.

Kel then hugged Sunny, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Sunny......I'm so glad you told me ... "

Kel consoled, as he himself was crying from the news.

"....but.....don't you.....h-hate me..?"

Sunny stammered as Kel held him tighter.


Kel reassured Sunny.

"B-But.... Why..?....i hurt all of you for so long.."

"That's true......but I'm in love with you..but even more than that, I'm still your friend Sunny.. friends forgive.
....even when they mess up big time."

Kel pulled away from the hug and looked at Sunny with empathic eyes, and a smile.

"...I'm happy you told me...it must've been hard keeping it to yourself for so long..."

Kel added, which Sunny nodded.

"But..we have to tell the others. Not for our sake. For theirs."


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