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While doing this chapter, i accidentally published before i was done, SORRY.

"You need to face the truth.
She's dead,
Or should I say
She is gone"






"we've been over this for years.
How many times do i need to beat this into your brain?
Gone with the wind
Among the fallen





"oh shoot-"

Approximately 1:34 am

Sunny felt a pain in his left leg, and opened his tired eyes. He saw Kel sleeping pretty close to him with his mouth open, it was kinda adorable in a way? Sunny then sat up a bit, and looked at his left leg, nothing seemed wrong with it? But then he noticed, someone was standing on his left.

Sunny looked up startled. There was someone with one hand over their mouth, and the other holding a half eaten sandwich.

"Hey- hey! It's just me Hero, Sunny! It's okay, don't scream!"

Hero whispered to Sunny, kneeling down to his level. He then pat Sunny's back.

"Sorry bud! I didn't mean to scare you, honestly you scared me too haha!"

Hero chuckled, as Sunny regained his breath.

"No one told me you were here so when i walked in trying to get to my bed and stepped on your leg- oh yeah sorry about that. Anyways i thought Kel fell off his bed again."

He placed his hand behind his head and gave a awkward smile.

"But then i looked down to see you and said a bit loudly 'oh shoot' cause i didn't expect you. So sorry if I woke you up"

"..it's alright Hero.."

Sunny yawned, cause he was still pretty tired.

"..how was your flight?"

"Ah, A great question for tomorrow. I'm sorry bud, I'm just really tired right now, you look like it too!"

Hero got up and sat on his bed. He then flipped on his back to lay down.

"So i say we save the chit-chat for the morning, then Kel and my folks can talk to me too alright?"

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