A Grave Of Memories.

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Omori stood over Sunny.

That blank expression still there

Sunny got up and attempted desperately to flee OMORI.

But wherever he went OMORi always seemed to catch up and be infront of him.

"It's your fault."

Echoed across the endless plain.

Eventually, Sunny stoped running and stared back at OMORI.

He was shaking.

"You don't deserve to have a birthday."

OMORi stepped forwards.

"You don't even deserve to live.

Yet you still have the gall to."

OMORi pushed Sunny down with force.

"She was only 15!"

OMORi yelled.

"And you killed her because of some stupid recital!"


"You don't deserve anything.
N O T H I N G."

OMORi went on and on.


He walked away, and sat down in the main area of white space. And closed his eyes.

Sunny got up shakily, and walked around the endless plain, always coming back to a patronizing OMORi.

There was no door anywhere, nothing to escape.

As Sunny walked up to the main place for what felt like the 400th time

OMORi spoke.

"You know I won't let you out for awhile."

The Black and white boy opened one eye slightly.

"It would just be a means to end suffering."

OMORi didn't elaborate further.

Instead opting to close his eyes again.

Sunny wondered around more to no avail.

After what felt like Days and hours.

A knife hitting the ground was heard.

Sunny looked in the direction.

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