Back in Black

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 5: Back in Black

After Hayley and Zoey locked onto the Invisiportal's coordinates, the Rangers nodded to each other and started to head out to rescue their friends.

"Remember, you have to reach a speed of 563 miles per hour upon entry, otherwise you'll never make it past the security wall and will probably be ripped to pieces!" They froze upon hearing Hayley's word, "Did I not mention that?" Hayley looked over to see them staring.

Jenna laughed, "We can take that as a yes."

"Never fear, we have something for just such an occasion," Zoey pressed a button on the keyboard, making a wall rose up nearby to reveal six bikes in red, blue, yellow, green, pink and purple.

"Which one's mine?" Conner asked with a wide grin, and the others looked at him. "I'm kidding!" He rolled his eyes, ignoring their looks.

"You so weren't kidding," Ethan argued with a grin.

"These are your new Raptor Cycles," Hayley walked over to the bikes. "They should get the five of you to the portal coordinates in approximately 92.75 seconds."

"The five of us?" Ethan quirked a brow.

"Yes, Hayley." Zoey crossed her arms as she and Jenna looked at her, "Why is there a pink and purple bike?"

"I would love to hear this." Jenna tapped her foot.

"We were planning on telling you, but we were going to wait until the situation absolutely called for it." Hayley sighed before walking over to a safe, "I think the situation calls for it." She brought over a small suitcase and handed out to the girls. "Open it."

"As I'm pretty sure I know exactly what's in here," Zoey grabbed the case, "how about you explain how they were made. Our gems aren't connected to anything."

"Your gems?" Conner asked, coming closer, "You two have gems?"

"They're not like yours. Not exactly." Jenna looked at them, "Our gems are unique."

"Tommy had four gems that had no power and no connection to any dinosaur." Zoey laid the case down, "During the island explosion, the gems melded from four to two gems. Jenna's holds the silver and purple gem. And mine hold the gold and pink gem." They grabbed their bracelets out of their bags and put them on so the teens could see them.

"We found them in Tommy's house last year. They still showed no signs of power, so he had them on display on the fireplace mantle. None of us were expecting for them to light up when we picked them up," Jenna shrugged, "much less bond with our DNA."

"Your gems altered your DNA and gave you each on genetic ability. We bonded with two gems and received two genetic abilities." Zoey spoke as she opened the case, "And we'll show you those later. Right now, I need to know a little bit more about these before we put them on."

"Though there were no Bio-Zords to connect them with, or design your suits after, so we took your genetic abilities and personal preferences into account." Hayley pointed to the purple one, "Since you are the Artic Mistress..."

"Master." The girls said together.

"Master. We used the bio-genetic DNA of a Dire Wolf for your morpher. Your suit will be similar to Kira's, except the helmet. Think of a feminine, more canine version of Conner's."


Ignoring the laughter, Hayley pointed to the pink one, "We used a mix of prehistoric fox DNA for yours. The Red Fox actually lived around the same time as the Dire Wolf, so it make the creation of the morphers and the suits easier."

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