The Passion of Conner

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"There she is," Connor grinned, stepping inside the school doors with Andy, Ethan and Trent; gazing longingly at a girl with long brown hair, "The future Mrs. Connor McKnight."

"Uh, you might wanna give yourself a little reality check just once," Ethan told him as Andy and Trent laughed.

"Dude, don't be a hater!" Conner told the Blue Ranger, clapping him on the shoulder, "Just because I've got the magic."

"I'm with Ethan on this one, Siegfried," Trent spoke up. "I know Krista from math class. She's kinda deep, and you're... well... " he trailed off.

"Not deep?" Ethan grinned.

"I didn't wanna say it," Trent chuckled.

Conner glared at them, "You guys are supposed to back me up, remember?" he told them. "Where's the love?"

"The love?" Andy chuckled, "Yeah, that previous love was Stacey the Cheerleader, Monica the Contortionist and Jasmine the fashionista." Ethan and Trent started laughing as Conner just glared, "Dude, that was just since Christmas. I mean, can you even do serious?"

"Watch me." He nodded as he looked back over at the girl hanging up fliers, "It's me." He smirked, "Now, observe."

Andy nodded as he held up his phone to record, "The girls would never forgive me." He shrugged as they started laughing again, watching their leader.

"Krista, right?"

"Yep, that's me," She nodded, ignoring him.

"Hey, wait!" Conner stopped her as she went to walk away. "I wanted to ask you about... your poster," he told her, and with a sigh, she handed him one. "So there's a tree that needs saving?"

"Yeah, behind the school. It's over 100 years old, and Randall wants to tear it out to make a new parking lot." She rolled her eyes in disgust.

"That seems like such an injustice!" Conner exclaimed as the other three Rangers continued to snigger.

"It's a crime against nature!" Krista told him loudly. "This tree has been part of the ecosystem longer than any of us have even been here! Dozens of creatures depend on it!" she told him as Conner stared at the passionate girl.

"Where do I sign up?" he asked her with a smile.

"Really? You wanna help?" Krista seemed surprised.

"You?" Raina asked, coming over with her own set of fliers, "Jock Boy?"

"Yeah! Just tell me what to do," Conner insisted.

Raina leaned around him and stared over at Trent, Ethan and Andy in question. They just shrugged, not knowing how to answer her look.


"I can't believe Conner's actually doing this." Jenna shook her head as she walked with Andy and Zoey down to the protest, "I mean, is he that desperate?"

"It's Conner." Andy shrugged.

"I don't know." Zoey nodded as they met up with Kira and Trent, "Conner may be an airheaded Jock Boy, but he's got a good heart. Maybe he actually cares."

"Krista doesn't agree with that." Trent pointed to the girl, who had stopped beside Ethan and Conner, and snapped at Conner before storming off.

Raina, who had been with her, flinched as she patted the Red Ranger on the shoulder, not really sympathetic to him.

"That would have been Conner running his mouth." Andy smiled as the group laughed at their leader's predicament.

"Get those men working!" Randall's voice suddenly echoed through the grounds. They looked around to see her with a megaphone, glaring at the protesters. "I have permits!" She barked, and with a sigh one of the workers climbed into his digger. When Krista refused to move out of his way, the worker climbed out, but accidentally hit the release lever. Using his super speed, Conner tackled her out of the way.

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