Lost and Found in Translation

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"What's going on?" Conner whispered to Andy and Kira as the three of them walked into the dimly lit Cybercafe. It was after hours and all the chairs and stools had been stacked on top of the tables and the bar. At the far end of the room stood a brand new wide-screen TV which illuminated the sitting area as it flickered.

Kira shrugged "No clue." They shared a looked and walked forward, ready to drag Blue Boy to the library to do their report.

"What's going on?" Conner whispered to Andy and Kira as the three of them walked into the dimly lit Cybercafe. It was after hours, and all the chairs and stools had been stacked on top of the tables and the bar. At the far end of the room stood a brand new wide-screen TV which illuminated the sitting area as it flickered.

Kira shrugged "No clue." They shared a looked and walked forward, ready to drag Blue Boy to the library to do their report.

Upon hearing a high-pitched cartoon shriek and Ethan laughing, the teens edged forward to find Ethan sat in the middle of the three-seater couch, his feet propped up on the table in front of him, a bowl of popcorn resting on his stomach and a large remote in his hand.

"Dude." Conner said, walking forward and making himself known, as Jenna and Kira followed him "What are you doing? You were supposed to meet us at the library"

"Hayley got a new satellite dish," Ethan answered "Nine hundred and thirty-seven channels of paradise"

"Nine hundred channels?" Kira asked, "And I bet there's still nothing on."

Ethan chuckled "Are you kidding?" he asked, his eyes permanently glued to the screen "This is amazing! Four-language soap operas, sumo-wrestling, junior high school girls' synchronized swimming! I may never leave this room again!"

Conner rolled his eyes and reached around the TV switching it off.

"Hey!" Ethan complained, turning it back on "I was watching that!"

"What about your social studies assignment?" Conner asked, "You know the one on comparing two countries?"

"I'm almost done!" Ethan whined.

Kira nodded "Me too," and she joined the Blue Ranger on the large sofa

Conner sighed "Well, I haven't started."

"Why does that not surprise me?" They looked over to see Jenna sitting at the bar on her laptop, "Honestly, Conner. Why do you always wait until the last minute?"

"Why are you here? Interested in girls synchronized swimming?"

She rolled her eyes and looked over her shoulder at their leader, "No, genius. You didn't actually think that Hayley would allow him to be in here alone, did you? I'm supervising. Plus," She smirked, "I thought it was the perfect opportunity to give those two some alone time."

"Did they actually think that nobody noticed at the reunion?" Andy asked, laying his stuff down next to her, "I mean, there were bets being passed around."

"I think they wanted it kept to themselves for now. Even if everybody figured it out, no one was going to say anything until they announced it. Zoey's theory? They're waiting until Mesogog is defeated. No more distractions. No more bad guys."

"I thought that they've always been together." Kira squinted, "I mean, are they not?"

"Not officially. They've been best friends since college. Things have been slowly changing for them the past couple of years and they're just now getting their act together." Jenna chuckled, "Zoey called it. She's been talking about how perfect they were for each other since they met."

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