A Test of Trust

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"Anton!" Tommy reached out to the man. "Are you alright?" he asked, and Doctor Mercer fell to his knees, turning away from them.

"I'm fine... just leave me alone," he pleaded weakly.

Jenna stared, "Uh-oh." She whispered, sharing a look with Andy and Raina.

"We should get you some help," Tommy insisted.

"No!" The older man yelled, and ran off. Tommy, Conner, Ethan and Kira ran after as Jenna grabbed Trent's shoulder, scared.

"Let's go!" She pulled him forward as they chased the others down the hall, Trent calling out pleas for them to leave his dad alone. They followed them to Tommy's classroom, where they found him leaning on one of the tables. He straightened up, breathing hard, and he spun around to face them just as he turned into Mesogog.

"No way!" Conner stared in horror. "Mercer is..."

"Mesogog..." Tommy looked just as horror-stricken.

"Oh, this is one crazy week," Ethan groaned.

"Really glad I didn't take that bet from Zoey." Andy said and Raina nodded.

"This is your big secret?" Kira looked at Trent as she realized why the boy had been so secretive. "You knew this all along?" she asked, hurt in her expression.

"He's my father. How could I tell you?" He asked, helpless to the situation.

"You will pay for betraying me Trent!" Mesogog finally spoke up, angry. "You will pay dearly!"

"I never betrayed you!" Trent insisted.

"He betrayed us if anything!" Conner snarled as his rage replaced his horror.

"Silence!" Mesogog screamed, and reverted back to Doctor Mercer. He fell to his knees, soaked in sweat. "Trent... I'm sorry," he spoke weakly, before disappearing through an Invisiportal, leaving Trent to face the wrath of his team.

Jenna sighed as she saw the look on Tommy's face, "And I'm calling Zoey home." She looked at her two friends as they laid hands of comfort on Trent's shoulder, "We're going to need backup."


"I always knew Mercer wasn't PTA material, but Mesogog? That's whack," Ethan growled as the teens, minus Trent, stood in Tommy's lab. They were all still reeling over discovering that Doctor Mercer was Mesogog, and worse, that Trent knew and had kept it hidden from them.

"I'll tell you what's whack," Conner stopped his pacing. He looked at his friends, still furious. "Trent not telling us, that's whack!" he snarled.

"Look, I'm as mad about this as you guys are, but don't you think we still owe Trent the chance to explain?" Kira spoke up softly. "I mean, maybe there's a really good reason he didn't tell us," he suggested.

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