Call to the Beast Inside

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 8: Call to the Beast Inside

"Come on, guys!" Conner yelled as he and the other Rangers, minus Tommy, ran to the top of the hill. They watch for a moment as a 30-ft monster, with dice on his body, blasted various buildings by the city docks, "It's destroying the city!"

Zoey turned to the Red Ranger, "Really, Conner?" She asked, sarcastically "And here I thought it was just going to magically disappear."

"Seriously, Conner. You'd think you would figure out the pattern by now." Any shook his head as he lifted his morpher up, "It's Zord time!"

The ground ground started to shake as the Brachiozord lumbered towards them as the side panels opened to let Conner, Kira, Andy and Ethan's Zords out.

"We need Ninja Zord Power, now!" Zoey and Jenna yelled into their morphers. They looked up as their own Zords Ninja streaked into view.

The Rangers jumped into their Zords and combined them. The two Megazords stood facing the creature, ready to take him down.

"What are you looking at?" He asked, staring at them, "How about a little vacation?" He waved his arms, "See ya!" They saw a flash of light before disappearing and reappearing in a snowy dimension.

"What, is he stupid?" Jenna asked, looking incredulous.

"Why? Because the idiot doesn't know that an Ice Ninja, who can turn the power of this dimension back at him, is on this team?" Zoey smirked.

"Or a Fire Ninja, who could melt everything around her." Andy laughed.

The creature arrived, "Now you have an icy disposition!" He laughed as a snow blizzard swirled around them.

"I'm freezing." Kira shivered as she crossed her arms, trying to warm up.

"This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, 'Chillin' like a villain'."

Zoey sent a small blast of heat out of her Zord and towards the Thundersaurus Megazord, warming them up, "Thanks Zoey!"

"You're welcome." She waved, "Now, let's focus on taking this freak down." Both Zords started to spin, fast, so they can remove the snow off of them. Once clear, Zoey and Jenna called on a Glaive while the others summoned the Ptera Rang.

"Ready? Fire!" They slashed down with the Glaive, sending a purple and pink blast out, hitting the monster at the same time as the Rang did. Blue sparks covered him, making him send them back to their own dimension.


"Tricera Fist!" Ethan called, punching the mutant back. Then the Tyranno on the front of the Zord opened up and shot fire out, engulfing the monster in flames. "Oh, yeah!"

"Good one!"

"Tyranno Drill!" They activated the drill on the left arm and punch the creature back once more. This time, destroying him for good.

"Yeah! We're rolling now!" Conner cheered.

"No doubt."

"Give it up, Mesogog." Kira chimed in, "We're not going anywhere."

"Let's not get too cocky, guys." Andy shook his head, "You never know what these bad guys can come up."

"Don't rain on our parade, man." Conner smiled, "We're on a roll."

Zoey sighed and looked at Jenna, "The twist is coming. I can feel it."

"Oh, most definitely."


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