White Thunder: Part 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 11: White Thunder: Part 2

Zoey pulled her Star crystal out of her shirt to show everyone, "It's not about any kind of connection to the Magic Realm that made her choose you. It's your connection to me." She handed over the Wolf crystal to her friend, "Mystic Mother wanted you with me. She said that, though I was born in the Magic Realm, our destinies were twined together years ago. Apparently, we're stronger together."

"Oh, we could have told you that." Her brother smiled

Jenna took the crystal and studied it for a moment. Sighing, she slipped it over her head and stared at her friend, "Well, it's nice knowing I'll be there. I'll always have your back. No matter what."

"Always." They hugged for a moment, "Here," Zoey held up another necklace, "I had bought this for you to give to you on your birthday, but I'd like for you to have it now."

"Oh, wow." She smiled at the silver wolf in purple resin, "It's beautiful."

"Read the back." She flipped it over to an unfamiliar symbol carved into it, "Is that the language of the Ancients that you study?"

"Yes it is." She held up another necklace with a gold kitsune in pink resin, "The symbols on the back are basically the Magic Realm's version of Yin and Yang."

"I love it, thanks."

"You're welcome." She turned toward her brother, "By the way, I have a message for you from the Mystic Mother."

"There's no telling what that woman has to say to me," he chuckled, "especially after everything that's happened."

"She said to, and I quote, 'Remind my former minion to remember his beginnings and that he should be patient. He, more than anyone, should understand the torment one goes through', end quote." She laughed when he looked confused, "That was my feeling too. I had no clue what she meant, but, knowing her, it will eventually reveal itself."

"Let's just hope, whatever it is, it's not life or death." He yawned, ready for bed, "I am so ready to be done with those. I'm getting too old to deal with it on the daily."

They all laughed, unaware of the danger that in wait for them.


Zoey had a blindfold over her eyes, listening to her surroundings. Sensing a shift, she dodged the blast sent at her from the left and leaped up into the tree. Uncovering her eyes, she looked down at Jenna with a smile, "Well done. I felt the chill on that one."

"Magic is more complicated than using my Dino Powers." The Ice Ninja said, sitting on a stump, "It's difficult separating the feelings needed to access one or another. I still can't believe I'm wielding magic at all."

Zoey jumped down and sat next to her, "Anyone can use magic, all they have to do is believe." Jenna chuckled, "Look, all this training that I've been doing has been in my dreams. I've had my mom there, every step of the way. Knowing that you're going to be right there with me, training and fighting, feels right. But now, I need to get you caught up to me. What little bit I know. And I can't train you in your dreams like my mom does me." She looked around the clearing at the Wind Ninja Academy, "I'm grateful to Sensei for letting us train here."

"Got that right." Cam said, coming into the clearing, "I'm sure you can make up excuses for regular training with your team in a town of Power Rangers. It would be harder to explain away stray magic that might hit an innocent bystander."

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