Diva in Distress

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 7: Diva in Distress

"I'm over you
Better believe it's true
Oh I see in your eyes
Every time that you lie
I'm over you.

I'm over you
Darling, I'm done, I'm through
You can say it again
That you wanna be friends
But when we get to the end, I'm glad
I'm over you."

Zoey clapped with the rest of the team as Kira finished her song. She looked around as only a scattering of applause sounded through the cafe. "Well, that's underwhelming."

"Tell me about it." Jenna frowned, "I've seen Kelzacks with more life than this."

"That was awesome," Conner smiled as Kira joined them, "Is that something new?"

Kira nodded absently, "Yeah. I'm still working on the hook, but I think it's pretty good."

"I'm telling you," Ethan smiled "If this superhero gig doesn't work out, you definitely have a musical career to fall back on"

"It's kinda hard to have a musical career when you can't even get anyone to listen to you play." Kira muttered, as Trent, came over with drinks and a sketchpad under his arm.

"Well, I was listening," he stated, "and I think you rock."

Kira smiled and looked up meeting his eyes, she glanced at the drawing under his arm and nodded towards it, "What you working on?"

"No, not till it's done," he grinned, shuffling it away to his other arm

"Fine," Kira smiled as Trent walked away. Jenna nudge Zoey as they smirked and shook their head at the lovesick teens.

Tommy looked around at the group, "Nobody appreciates good music anymore," he stated "All you hear on the radio is that pop garbage."

"Yeah," Hayley nodded "Like what's her name? Kylee Styles?"

Tommy & Andy winced in distaste. "Oh, God!" Jenna rolled her eyes.

"She's so annoying." Zoey growled, irritated, "I mean, she's a cheap Brittany wannabe who uses nothing but auto tune to make herself sound good. She's rude, condescending and thinks the world should bow down to her greatness."

The teens, minus Andy and Jenna, looked at their Pink Ranger in shock, "What? The 12 own AG Media. You know; news & tv station, production & record company, and co-run by Tanya Park and Zack Taylor. Former musician & choreographer and former Rangers."

"They worked with Kylee and her production crew on her last album." Andy smirked, "Not like they used any of Tanya or Zack's suggestions. I swear, my sister-in-law was ready to go full Yellow Ranger on her sorry ass. It took me, Adam and Zack to hold her back."

"Come on. Stop hating. Kylee Styles has some good music on the radio." Conner said.

"Translation," Ethan mocked, "he thinks she's fine."

"No I don't!" Conner exclaimed, earning looks from the group, "Okay, yeah I do. But, that has nothing to do with it"

"You know she used to be a really good song writer," Kira stated, "She was really sweet, too. Now she's all about image"

Zoey frowned "Really? Wow. Must have really changed then. The only time I met her, thank Zordon, she tried getting me fired." Kira's eyes widened, "I didn't work there."

"Hold on." Ethan held up a hand, looking at Kira, "You say that like you two are friends."

"We used to be," she told them, causing Ethan and Conner to look at her funny, "What! It's true! We were in a band together. Then she got discovered by this agent and now she's this huge pop diva."

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