Leader of the Wack

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.


Zoey jerked up in bed and looked at her surroundings. She was in her old room at Ninja Ops. She took a deep breath and a drink of the water on the nightstand beside her. When she had calmed down, she stood on shaky legs and walked into the mainframe.

Cam, who was sitting at the computer, looked up, "Hey, you're awake. Are you okay? You look really pale."

"No, I'm not. Where's Jenna?"

"An emergency called her back to Reefside and asked if I'd keep an eye on you." He stood up and walked over to her, "Why don't you sit down for a moment, let me get you something to eat. You don't want to keel over." He led her over to the table and pushed her into a chair, "That way, you can regroup and contact your team for an update." When she nodded, he walked away to head into the kitchen in the back.

She took another breath and held up her morpher, "Hayley."

"Zoey? You're awake. How are you?"

"Don't worry about me. I need to know if Tommy was attacked by the White Ranger and encased in amber."

"Wait... how did you know that?"

"I'm not sure. I'm going to get myself settled, get some food in my stomach and talk with Sensei, then I'm coming home. I'm going to help you find a way to free my brother and you're going to help me start a search for someone. I have to stay busy. I need something productive to do to keep me from kicking that damn White Ranger's ass."

Chapter 13: Leader of the Whack

Down in the lab, Jenna was at the computers as Hayley ran some test on Tommy. While she was doing that, the rest of the Rangers were just hanging out behind her. Ethan was playing a new computer game, Kira was practising her guitar, Connor was kicking his soccer ball around and Andy was working on a new kata.

"Hayley! One more level, and I break my all-time record!" Ethan called out, bouncing in his seat like an excited kid. Jenna looked back at a smirking Andy and rolled her eyes.

Connor came around the corner, tossed his ball over a crate and smiled as it landed on top of Ethan's laptop.

"Connor!" Ethan cried out as his game was shut off.

"Sorry." Connor said, as he and Andy laughed.

"Now I have to start all over!" Ethan grumbled.

"It's just a game, Ethan." Jenna called out, exasperated.

"Yeah," Connor looked at his Blue friend, "there's this great new thing called the outdoors!" Connor told him as Ethan walked past him. "You might wanna check it out."

"Tell you what. I'll check that out, when I see you checking out the library."

Connor started laughing, and looked over at Kira, "You got about as much chance of seeing that, as seeing Kira at a fashion show." He smirked as the blonde looked up from her guitar.

"Do you really wanna go there?" She asked, glaring.

"How about Andy over here?" Ethan looked over at the Green Ranger, "Think we'd ever see him doing anything other than martial arts?"

Connor shook his head, "Probably not."

"Why am I being brought into this conversation?" The Bear Cub ask, looking over.

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