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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 6: Revelations


Zoey looked around, confused. Standing alone in the middle of a forest, she turned around to take in her surroundings. "What's going on? How did I get here?" Recognizing the type of trees as the ones belonging in the Magic Realm, she looked for anything familiar.

"Mom!" Putting her hand to her mouth to call out, "Mom! Phaedra!" She sighed in frustration. "Why did you pull me here? What happened to make you do this? Are you in trouble?" Not hearing anything, she kicked a tree, "Come on!" She screamed in anger. "Mom! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

She rounded a bend of trees and stopped. "Is that... a dragon?"


"It's a tree." After walking closer to what she assumed was a dragon, Zoey noticed that it was a large tree carved into the shape of a dragon's head. "What in the world is this?"

Going to the front, she laid her hand on the top, "This is incredible. I wonder what kind of tree this is. I don't recognize it." Before she could say anything else, the mouth of the entrance started to life up. Backing away, she hid behind a tree to see what was going on.

A familiar woman with red hair came out carrying a basket. She was followed by a laughing blonde girl about the age of ten. "Come, child. We need to gather some Stickle Berries for the Protection Potion."

"Why do we need a Protection Potion anyways?" The little girl ran up to her, holding her own basket, "I mean, the Gate is sealed. The evil within is locked away, right?"

"For now. But one day, something is going to cause the Gate to be reopened, releasing all of the evil locked in there. We need to be ready to protect ourselves."

"But, when that happens, if it happens, wouldn't the Mystic Warriors be there to protect us?" The young girl picked a flower and handed to the woman.

Smiling in appreciation, the woman rubbed a hand over the girl's hair, "Oh, my dear niece. We can hope that the new Mystic Warriors will be found. But we can't always rely on what ifs. There's always a chance that they might not be. And if that happens, we'll have to depend on ourselves for protection."

As she stood behind the tree, watching the pair walk away, Zoey felt a hand land on her shoulder, causing her to turn in self-defense. She stopped when she saw her mother standing in front of her. "Mom?" She leaned forward to hug her, happy to see her.

"Hello, my Darling."

"Why am I here?" She leaned back so she could look at her, "Why did you pull me again? If you needed me to see something, why couldn't you have shown me when I was asleep? We were scheduled for another session tonight anyways."

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