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"What d-do you want to talk about?", Jieun ask.

"To make it short. To be fact. I already forgiven you and I already moved on. I also forgiven does brats.", Sam smiled which made Jieun gives a chill because he smiled!

"Somi is right. I'm an idiot all this time. Running away from my problems and ignoring them. I hope you understand.", Sam smiled as he sip his coffee.

"So your saying you don't love me anymore. I get it. After all the things I've done. First love is kinda tragic.", Jieun chuckled.

"So? Why are you saying this to me? You know that I still love you, right? There should be a reason behind this.", Jieun ask.

"I'm leaving here in Korea and I have a favor.", he said with smile.

"I don't know why but I'm having a goosebumps all of a sudden. Before I accept your favor. Why are you leaving?", Jieun ask.

"It's a personal problem and my parents wants me to. You can just ask my siblings the day tomorrow.", he said.

"Ok? I'll accept that. The favor?", Jieun ask and they are now comfortable to each other again.

"Please take care of your cousin, Nayeon. Tell her that I love her.", Sam said.

Jieun got hurt. Of course she still love him. It's hard to move on after the years she loved him.

"So you really love her.", Jieun bitterly smiled.

Sam nod.

"I really don't know what is in your blood that I keep getting attracted with.", Sam chuckled.

"Because we ran the blood of beauty XD.", Jieun laugh it out.

And Sam talked about his past at Jieun. He talked about his works and the struggles he had but if course he made sure that Jieun don't feel down.

They are all good now and they had fun tonight.

Jieun's heavy feelings are gone now. She made sure that she will moved on knowing that she's ok with Sam now.

But the thing that bothers her is that, why would Sam leave? How about Nayeon? If he really loves her, why would she leave and tell to her that he loves her?

She had a lot of questions but she will just ask his siblings since that is what Sam told her.

.End of Flashback.

.The day.

"Did you forget something?", Mr.Park ask his son.
"I didn't.", he said and checked his phone.
Someone is calling him and he has a lot of text messages and missed calls.
He turned turned off his phone.

"Who was that?", Mrs. Park ask.
"Nothing. Just a .. fan.", he lied.

"W-what?", Nayeon knelt down and it feels like that her soul was taken away.

"Is this why he forgiven me? This is all my fault in the first place!", Jieun cried.

Nayeon immediately called him but his not answering it.

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