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It was pretty awkward being the only girl on the Glade. Every now and then the boys would steal your bra as a joke. One time you caught Minho wearing it in the Homestead doing stupid impressions of you. Honestly he was such an idiot but probably one of your best friends. The worst was having your period. Asking Alby to put tampons on the supply list was probably the most uncomfortable moment of your life. That or when Gally found them and shoved them up his nose. Although when everything got too stressful on the Glade there was always one person you could count on, Newt. Newt was perfect. Tall, strong, brave and a sexy accent. His blonde hair and blue eyes made him irresistible! But when you were alone together he was so kind and witty, a side of him not many people got to see. He always knocked things over with his big hands which made you laugh every time. If you weren't in the Maze you and Newt would be dating, no questions asked. A relationship was too complicated for the Glade but it didn't stop you and Newt sneaking around. You didn't think much of it, just a bit of fun in this 'bloody hell hole' as Newt called it. However, everything was going to change.
You waited nervously outside the Map Room. Nothing could stop your uncontrollable foot tapping and nail biting.
"You alright?" Minho asked as he came through the doors. "If your mad, it wasn't me who stole your bra this time." He grinned. You rolled your eyes.
"I'm fine, is Newt in there?" You asked.
"Yeah, why?" He winked.
"None of your business!" You laughed, hitting Minho.
"Oh the pain!" Minho cried sarcastically. "Anyway he'll be a while, literally just started drawing out his map."
"Ok, thanks." You mumbled.
"Sorry, didn't quite catch that." Minho joked.
"Oh shut up!" You scoffed, hitting his arm again. With another sarcastic pout and a 'see ya later, shuck face" Minho was gone and the nerves started kicking in again. You couldn't wait that long, you had to talk to him now or else you'd never build up the courage again. Slowly you counted to ten with heavy breathes then walked through the door. Newt was sitting on a table with Alby and some ginger boy who's name you couldn't quite remember. Newt's head was down as he sketched the Maze. Ably was the first ton see you.
"Good afternoon, Y/N, how are you?" Ably said warmly. Immediately Newt sat up and grinned at you. The other boy showed no interest, no wonder you forgot his name.
"I'm good thank you," you lied with a fake smile "Newt can we talk?"
"Of course, just give me a sec-"
"Now." You cut Newt off.
"I'll be less than a minute."
"Newt, we need to talk now!" You demanded a little too harshly. Newt looked at you worried then stumbled out of his chair. Quickly, he limped his way to the door alongside you. Once you were outside you hugged him.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Newt quaked.
"I'm so sorry." You mumbled.
"For what? Please tell me whats going on." Newt insisted.
"We can't talk here." You said, noticing you and Newt were catching the attention of other Gladers. Grabbing his hand you led him behind the Map Room.
"Please Y/N, you're bloody killing me!" Newt insisted. You took in a deep breath. There was so much you wanted to say, to explain but it was no use.
"I'm pregnant." You said, not making eye contact. Tears formed in your eyes at the thought of his disappointed face. "I-I-I'm sor-"
"What are you saying? Stop apologising. Now are you sure?" Newt asked calmly.
"Yes, definitely. I missed my period for three months." You whimpered. Newt grabbed you shoulders and pulled you into a hug.
"This is our baby. Do not think for a second that this is your fault. We both shucked up," he grinned, wiping tears from your cheek. "I'm going to be by your side through everything and I'll raise this baby with you."
"We can't have this baby Newt!" You gulped. "The Glade, let alone the Maze is no place for a baby!"
"W-what are you saying?" Newt stuttered. Looking up at his sad blue eyes made you want to cry more.
"Maybe we could ask Jeff to do something...I don't know..." You bawled. With your head dug into his chest he pulled you into another hug. This time you were both crying and the only thing you knew to do was hold each other.
"I can't let you go through that," Newt wept "I love you too much!"
"I love you too," you pulled away, he still had his long arms around you're hips "we'll get through this."

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