Gally Imagine (A/N at the end)

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Where am I? I thought to myself as a metal box lifted me up. I have no memory of what happened before and I don't know what'll happen after. I could be captured by whatever it says on these crates: W.I.C.K.E.D. 

But I don't think thats the case. The metal lift comes to a stop and something from above opens up. A boy with strange eyebrows jumps into the box.

"My name's Gally. Can you remember yours?" The boy asked me.

"My name's Erixa. Where am I?" I replied. Now I'm truly scared. I don't know where I am.

"Its ok Love!Welcome to the Glade! I'm Newt. And your the new Greenie. Gally will give you the tour tomorrow. Right now Thomas will get you your stuff, like your hammock and sleeping bag."

"Ok, thank!"

----------------------------------------------------------The Next Day------------------------------------------------------------

"Ok, Erixa! You ready for the tour?" Gally asked me.

"Yeah! Lets go." I replied still a little pissed from not remembering anything from before yesterday.

About almost done the tour, Gally stopped me and turned towards me.

"Erixa. I feel like I know you from somewhere, so if you don't mind id like to do this."

"Do what?" I asked. Oblivious that he was about to kiss me. Like any boy would ever love me. I'm repulsive. I remember what I look like. And I seem to also have a memory of teachers and student making fun of me. They would play tricks on me telling me that I would never get a boyfriend.

He leans in  and kisses me passionately.

"I love you, Erixa."

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