Thomas Sangster/Newt

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Don't ask but I had this dream and it was about Thomas Sangster and Newt. They were like the same person and with a girl. I hope you guys enjoy! Btw: I'm sorry for not being so active lately cuz I have a mid-term math exam on Tuesday, and I had to study... So just appreciate what I'm doing for you.

"Thomas! I'm bored! Can we please do something!" I whined as Tommy walked back into the room with an odd looking watch.

"I figured you would be since I've been looking for this all morning!" He says showing me the watch that he pulled out of his pocket.

"No offence Tom, but that looks like a drunk guy attempted to make a watch and failed miserably. What is that thing anyway?" I asked cause like obviously that think is not human.

"It's a 3-D teleportation device, it lets you travel between different parallel universes

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"It's a 3-D teleportation device, it lets you travel between different parallel universes."
I looked at him in the eyes and made sure he wasn't high on drugs or something.
"Tommy, are you ok? Do you need help or anything? We can go get help if you want?" I said, cause clearly it's just a weird looking watch.

Out of nowhere, Thomas took my hand and pressed a button on the watch. There was a flash of light and then my vision went blurry. My stomach twisting and turning. It hurt like hell! Then it stopped, and I woke up to the sun shinning in my face.

"You ok Babe?" I heard a muffled voice, almost like someone was blocking my hearing but I could still hear them.

I couldn't exactly open my eyes, do to the blinding sun that was scorching in my face.

"Is there any shade near by? I can't really open my eyes because of the sun." I said to whoever was there beside me.
The person helped me up and they guided me to tree. As I sat under it, I slowly opened my eyes to see a tall dark forgive standing in front of me.

Once I squinted a bit, I noticed it was Thomas.

"Thomas?" I asked him very calmly.
"Yes?" He replied with an innocent tone.

"Where the hell are we?" I asked him almost freaking out.

"We're in the Glade!" He replied.

I honestly wondered if he needed psychiatric help because 1) the Glade does not exist, it is a fictional place created by James Dashner and 2) a watch cannot just make to human beings disappear into thin air, teleporting us to who knows where.

"Your kidding me right? We can't be in the Glade because it doesn't exist!" I explain to him, hoping he at least understands me.

"Y/N, look around and tell me what you see? Anything familiar in particular?" He said.

I got up and looked around. Everything was here! The deadheads, the Homestead, the tower, even the Maze!

"Ok, I admit it were in the Glade! That's pretty cool! But what are we supposed to do here?" I asked him.

It's cool that were here but there's not much to do anyways, besides climbing trees.

Thomas took my hand without saying a word and lead me into the forest. The air in there felt different. It was much cooler. Sending a few shivers down my spine. I was after all in shorts and a tank top.

He lead me down into the forest a bit more, which seemed to get darker and darker as each step we took getting closer to the edge of the forest which got colder and colder. But not like -10 degrees or anything. 

When we got close to the edge, Thomas stopped and turned me around, then pushed me back against a tree slowly without taking his gaze off of me.

He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me gently to him. He kissed me passionately and deeply, remember the hand he had on my waist? Well now its slipping up my shirt. His cold smooth hand creeping up my waist, and I knew this was Thomas being himself. Adorable and--

Wait this isnt Tomas.

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