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"MINHO!!!!!!!" I screamed.
"SYDNEY!!!!!" He screamed as Wicked took him into the berg with them and flew off.

"Sydney! It's okay, he's gonna be okay. I promise." Newt whispered to me trying to calm me down.

I've loved him sense I can remember and now he's gone.

He's all I had left.

First Winston was bitten by a Crank,
Teresa's a bitch cause she called WICKED and they found us hiding,
Now my boyfriend Minho is gone.


"I love him, Newt. I love him so much you can't even imagine." I say crying non stop.

"I know Sydney. I know. Minho loved you so much. In fact it got really annoying when he wouldn't shut up."

"Newt this isn't funny. I just can't believe Teresa would give us away like that. And from the beginning! They keep saying wicked is good! Wicked is not good! Wicked is nowhere near good!"

By now Thomas had come to join us.
I could tell he was hurt.
So I got up and went to give him a hug.
Frypan joined too.
So did Brenda and Jorge and Newt.
And Harriet and Sonya and Aris.

Brenda had a brother. His name was George.
I remember him from the Glade.
He was the guy who went down into the box.

Once we all sat down, Thomas said something that changed the whole perspective of how we were dealing with things at the moment.

"I'm going back."

At first we all looked at him like he was crazy.

"I mean I'm going back to get Minho! And the rest of those Shanks! And to kill Jansen and Ava Paige! If WICKED wants a war, their gonna fucking get one!"

He says standing up, grabbing a bag and filling it up with provisions.

"I'm coming with you!" I shout.
"I love Minho more then anything in this God damn world,"

"Gee thanks, Sydney." Frypan says.

"Not what I meant. I mean he means the world to me and I love him so much! Fry hold your tongue if your gonna make a shucking comment."

"I'm coming too!" Brenda shouts.
"They took my brother. And I want some revenge." She says.

"Us too!" Harriet, Sonya and Aris say in unison.

"Yea I'm in as well. But how are we gonna get there? We have to car, gas, this place is full of Cranks! And they blew up all of our stuff!"

Honk! Honk!

We all turn around and we see Jorge with a truck.

"Well are you people coming?
WICKED's not going to kill themselves!" He yells and we all laugh.

We get into the truck and we start the long drive to WICKED HQ.

This is going to be one hell of a ride to get Minho back.

I hope you all enjoyed this story.
I just really needed to update cuz I saw TST today and it was nothing like the book! My friend told me she loved it and I looked at her as if asking if she was okay.
I just want to say one last thing.


Love you Gladers! 😘

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