Newt Imagine

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"Okay so what movie do you want to go see Mikaela?" Newt asked.
It was date night so we went to the movies.

"OMG!!! There's Eleanor&Park!!" I squeal.

"What's that?" Newt asked.

"It's this book that I read in the summer when I was about to turn thirteen." I explain.

"Fine we'll go see your teeny bopper movie, just because I love you."
He said paying for two movie tickets.

We get inside the theatre called The Stella. We were in Venice.

(Don't ask why, it a book I read called the thief lord.)

The movie starts with a yellow school bus and Newt starts to laugh.

20 minutes or so into the movie I got bored so I started talking to Newt. The conversation was a bit like this:

- I'm so bored, Newt.
-Me too.
-Your Cute when you concentrate.
-Well... I have no words to that.

Next thing I knew Newt had his hand on my thigh and I ended up straddling him. We started making out. Kissing passionately and his hand was trailing up my shirt. It was about to get more heated until we heard someone shout.

"Both of you out, NOW!!!" The security guard yelled at us pointing his flashlight at us.

"Fine." Newt said frustrated.

We ended up leaving and got banned for a month. Doesn't matter cause we barely even go to the movie anyways.

"Sorry." Newt said taking my hand.

"It's ok. At least I've still got you." I say.

"I love you, Mikaela."

"I love you too, Newt."

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