She's Gone - Chapter 32

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Again 2weeks flew past real quick like a wind, you know I guess everything was just like how it was since 2 weeks ago, Lachy and I gotten closer than before, I mean he would visit me everyday after school, sometimes stay over night when we had gang business. I haven't really seen Ryan or Chaz, they were hanging out with Justin more often which I was ok with, he needed friends to be with I can't just have them all.

BTW MY MUM CAME BACK AS WELL just yesterday morning before I left for school.

In the morning-

"HELLOOOOOOO ITS MUMMA BEAR WHO JUST ARRIVED HOME" I heard my favorite human being my mum yelling while I was brushing my teeth. I ran downstairs literally jumped and sprinted towards her attacking her with the biggest hug.

"GOD MUM I MISSED YOU" I could hear her laugh


"Sounds great mum I got to get ready for school but I will see you after" I was barely saying it properly since there was toothbrush in my mouth.

Also past 2 weeks Nick has been driving me to school and from as well.

During 2 weeks I have only spoken to Justin twice, only because we are in the same class for most of them, I guess we had to ask some questions sometimes to each other, I could always feel the uneasy tension between us and I hated it. I wish everything was back to normal but I guess his still settling in the gun issue.

Currently, we were all at school, literature.. I hate it so much. Lachy and I were the first ones to walk in to class; we just sat and talked until other students started to drag themselves into the class. Students were grunting and complaining about the new assignments our teacher was going to talk about today.

"Today we are starting a new assignment about out new topic, therefore, doing literature composition, and I will be assigning you guys with a partner." Everyone groaned looking around hopping they would be with their friends.

"Okay, so Ryan and Kaylee."

"Chaz and Lachy"

so on and so on then,

"Justin and Cher"

My jaw dropped, this can't be happening seriously?

I looked towards Lachy was has worried look, I sighed taking a quick look at Justin looked taken aback, he looked at me straight away, I just quickly turned my head around to towards front of the class. God just loves me so much he had to do this to me.

"Ok, so you know your partners so, for rest of the class discuss and plan out your assignments now" then she just walked off to her own desk doing whatever she always does.

"Aye, are you going to be ok?" Lachy assured,

"Hopefully I don't kill him this time" I gave me a reassuring smile, just when Justin the one that broke my heart, the on I haven't talked in a month comes.

"Um, so about the assignment... would you just like to get over and done with this week? You can come over or whatever is you know... comfortable for you" Justin stuttered, indirectly looking at me fiddling with his fingers.

"Sure, I got to go somewhere, later so maybe my house sounds cool?" I just tried to play it cool, but I could hear myself stuttering and heart beating faster.

"Yeah okay I will just meet at the parking lot after school" he muttered, walking away as soon as the bell goes.

We all packed up, everyone heading towards wherever they had to go since school finished, I headed towards parking lot towards my car and realized I came by Nick's new car today instead of mine.

I instantly face palmed myself, thinking how I was suppose to get home. I stood in middle of the parking lot stupidity.

"Um..." someone tapped my shoulder lightly, which made me turn back facing the person's face real close up in their face.

I could feel Justin breathing just lightly on my face; I gasped lightly slowly looking up meeting his beautiful golden brown eyes.

We both looked away,

"Uh sorry" Justin stuttered,

"Sorry" barely whispering while stepping back to make spaces between us.

"Just wanted to want if you want a ride, I don't know I thought you came with Nick an..." scratching back of his neck lightly while making the cutest face.

"Actually that would be nice if you don't mind" I smiled lightly gesturing now that we can go.

During the car ride, trust me it was the most awkward moment in my life. I could feel the uncomfortable tension between us, I was just fiddling with my nails and my jean while Justin was just driving.

I got off his car first walking up to my front door, reaching into my bag for my key.

Soon Justin came right behind me when I just unlocked my door.

"Come in" as I opened door widely enough for us to go through.

"Nothing have changed in this house" Justin looked around briefly smiling lightly,

"Nothing is changed around here for a long time actually" I grinned but stopped immediately when he turned around.

"Um, anyways, do you want some coffee? Tea? Beer?" I laughed lightly about what I just said.

"Sorry that was stupid just came out" I could hear him chuckling covering his mouth with his hand.

"It's fine just water would be fine thank you" he smiled showing his perfectly lined up white teeth.

"I will be back then you can just settle on my couch and get ready" I turned my heels around and ran into the kitchen.

'I will be out till night baby girl, don't wait for me' – Mum

I read the sticky note that was on the fridge, but something wasn't right. She usually puts something like from Mumma Bear or you favourite human being. Just mum? And why would she be out till late?

I called her phone, it rang for a few times but still went to voicemail.

"Fuck" I muttered under my breath, where is mum?

I looked back peaking through where Justin was he was just setting things up and now just fiddling with his phone.

I quickly dialed Lachy, soon he answered,

"HELLOO" goofily he answered,

"Lachy my. My mum... She's gone" I could feel hot tears rolling down my cheek now.


I'm going to update my new chapter next week btw so LOVE YOU sorry sorry sorry for not updating I feel so shit right now but the next chapter I'm writing right now and it's going to be one of the best chapter I have written I swear to god.




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