Cool off bro? - chapter 23

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Justin P.O.V

tomorrow I'm going to New York and suprise my beliebers, I haven't talk to y/n for now 3-4 days? I never concertrated in my work, I cried everynight to sleep thinking if Cher will break up with me, I 've called her couple of times but she only answered once out of I dunno 100?

"Justin get ready the flight is at 8am tomorrow ok?" Scooter came over sitting next to me,

"look Justin Cher will talk to you soon and she will never break up with you, she's a strong girl and she will understand what mistake you made and forgive you" Scooter suggested,

"am I free now?" I asked looking at Scooter,

"Yes you are" Scooter sighed standing up,

"I just thought maybe I could visit y/n, before I go to you know New York for a week" I was so depressedd even thinkning about a day without Cher, it's killing me to kiss her, see her smile and laugh.

"Well good luck bro, if you guys get you know all solved, maybe you could bring her to New York" Scooter suggested smiling,

"Thanks bro, alrighty see ya I will give you a call if she is" I smiled hand shaking then left the studio,

<skip the car ride>

I walked upto Cher's front door, I gulped then knocked on her door waiting for her to answer,

Then the door slowly opened and saw the most beautiful girl in the world,

"oh my gosh Jay" she gasped then suddenly I felt a warm pair of arm around my neck hugging me tightly,

"I missed you" I whispered into her ear,

"me too", then Cher looked towards me frowning,

"What's wrong princess" I cupped her cheek looking into her eyes,

"I called you so many times and texted you but you never answered, I thought you even blocked me and not want to see me again" Cher sniffed tears swelling up around her eyes,

"oh my gosh I am so sorry, baby I'm so sorry no no I would never in a million years, I had to change my number because someone found out and told everyone my number and there it is with billion messages" I hugged her tighter then ever,

"ohhh that was you" Cher started giggle, I smiled, I missed her laugh so much,

"why?" I asked,

"it was a blocked ID and started to call me and text me kept on saying, 'we nee to talk', 'Cher I'm so sorry please" and other stuff, I just left it caz' I didn't know it was you" then we both started to laugh,

"I'm so sorry about what I said I'm so sorry" I kissed her forehead,

"I got over it ages ago Jay its fine your brain was just stuffing up that day" I just laughed,

"okai princess what ever you say" I wiggled my eyebrows and she laughed,

"Come in Jay" I dragged him into the house.

"oh I was going to ask you but I know you will probably say yes but.." then Cher squealed with excitement.

"OMG.. YES" then I just chuckled lightly,

"you don't even know what it about smart one" I rolled my eyes,

"yeah I know! the new York thingy" she jumped around,

"wow smart" I muttered,

"SHIT" she gasped,

"what is it?" I got worried,

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