2 - Scarred

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Barry, Cisco and Joe were waiting in the med bay while Caitlin was still unconscious. "What happened" Barry asked to Joe and Cisco

"We found out Grodd resurfaced and he used Caitlin to steal a chemical, she dropped it outside and when she came back she had no clue what she did. We thought she was ok and back to normal. She was checking on the results when she said she had a headache. she left to get some air and we saw her on the roof through the security cameras and you know the rest. " Joe said still worried about Caitlin.

"Do we think this was Grodd" Barry asks looking at the brunette.

"Maybe with all the chemicals he stole he was able to extend his abilities, bring her worst fears to life or get into her head she could of been having hallucinations." Cisco says and Barry nods worrying about her.

30 minutes later

Joe went to inform CCPD about Grodd on the loose so it was just Cisco and Barry were waiting for Caitlin. "I'm going to get some Big Belly Burger, want anything?" Cisco asks.

"Can I get two double patty burgers and large chips oh also gets some cheese curds for Caitlin" Barry says

"Ok see you in a bit" Cisco said and left. Barry went up to where Caitlin was still sleeping and like she sensed him coming she slowly opened her eyes.

"Barry?" She asks half awake

"Hey Cait, thank god I was so worried" Barry said help her sit up on the bed. "What happened?" he said rubbing her eyes

"I don't know I was in the cortex and I was getting a headache and I was going to get some air when all these flashes came to me and then I was falling and you saved me." Caitlin said and it all came back to her and a tear slipped from her eyes. 

"Hey what's wrong talk to me" he said wiping the tear and getting her to face him.

"I'm so sorry. I've caused everyone so much trouble, all the things I heard were true." Caitlin said

"Who told you?" Barry said

"All of you guys" Caitlin said

"Grodd, Caitlin don't listen to anything he says he probably just wants revenge he wants you to feel this way he was using your feelings as a weapon don't go down this road." Barry said

"You don't even know what he said" she said back

"I don't need to because I know Grodd uses pain against good people like you. You've been through so much" he says gently

"Are you sure that I'm good. Maybe I'm the one inflicting the pain. I'm the one who killed Atom Smasher. I'm the reason Ronnie is dead. I'm the reason for everything that went wrong in my family!" She said

"No your not! You're not Cait, You didn't kill Atom Smasher, you don't inflict pain and you are certainly not the reason Ronnie is dead. I am. Your family went through something traumatic and sadly that was enough to split you apart. You are good. Your a doctor and the best person I know. Don't think anything else because you are nothing less than exceptional Caitlin Snow." Barry said. Looking into those emerald eyes and hearing him say that made her believe she was amazing person. He undid the curse Grodd had put on her in a few minutes.

"I believe you" Caitlin said

"Great, Now you have have to say Caitlin Snow is amazing" Barry said

She gave him a small smile before she said "Caitlin snow is amazing and beautiful"

"Okay now don't think too highly of yourself" Barry joked which made Caitlin laugh. Her laugh made his world go upside down and he had the biggest smile across his face looking at her, taking in her beauty. "Okay seriously though I am staying with you tonight incase Grodd tries to do anything again"

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