25 - Henry Allen

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Cisco was sent into a vibe again and was frozen. He saw Earth-2 split in half. They were talking about it and Wally was confused hearing about it when zoom sped into the house grabbing henry by his neck. "Our story continues Flash" he says before he speeds out and Barry follows. Barry follows Zoom back to his old house and saw Henry and Jay in the same spot his mother died. "It's poetic, turning to your childhood home"

"Jay don't do this" Barry said "I'm begging you, take me"

"NO!" Henry said the moment he heard Barry say this

"You still don't believe that you and I are the same" Jay says "So I'm going to have to make you believe me"

"No, No, no" Barry said getting louder

"Barry look at me son, I love you so much. Whatever happens you have made me the happiest father" Henry said

"Dad" Barry said his eye started to fill with tears

"This time you are going to watch your parent die just as I did mine" Jay said and Barry was yelling at him not to

"Your mother and I love you so much, I love you" Henry said before Jay phased his hand into Henry's heart.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Barry yelled and then Jay just let Henry's body fall onto the floor. Barry went to go crouch down next to him and tried getting him to wake up "Dad come one get up please, I can't lose, you Dad, come on, come, Not again, not again, please dad, you can't go, you can't leave me" he said repeating it repeatedly tears falling from his. Barry looked up at Jay who had a smirk on his face and shoved him against the wall.

"That's its Flash use that anger" Jay said, and they got into a race. Jay made a time remnant that Barry followed. Barry was getting Jay every time. Barry was winning her had Jay and was phasing his had but couldn't do it. Then the real Jay came and killed his remnant. "Let me do it for you" He said demonically. "So close Barry" Jay said in a normal taking off his mask a. "You see Barry there are two of you, you just have to be willing to kill yourself" and Barry just looked confused "Your almost ready he said speeding off.

The next day it was raining, and they were holding Henry's funeral. They had all gathered to watch him be buried. Barry had to say something in honour of his father and tried the best he could "Um... My father's" Is all he could get out before saying "I'm sorry I can't"

"It's ok" Iris said, Caitlin thought it was best to give him a little bit of time to process everything that happened before she talked to him.

"Henry Allen" Joe said "This man suffered wo great losses, the loss of his wife Nora and Barry. He suffered guilt, embarrassment, ridicule, shame and everything that comes with being framed for a crime he didn't commit. Henry Allen was proof that love can get you through the dark times. That love keeps us alive in all of our hearts."

Barry then got a rose and placed it on top of his casket. "I promise you; I'm going to take from him what he took from you" Barry said, and everyone had worried looks on his face. At Joe's everyone was there to eat after the funeral. Barry was staring outside the window just look as the trickled down the glass. "Barry" Wally said "I brought some food, I though you should eat something"

"I'm not hungry, thank you though" Barry said, and Wally put the plate down.

"Barry, I had no idea you were the Flash and I wanted to say I'm really sorry for everything and Thank you for saving my life. If you need anything just say the word" Wally said

"Thank you, Wally," Barry said, and he walked away returning to looking out the window. Caitlin felt bad for everything that has happened to him. He seemed so happy and now all she could see was sadness. When she looked at him, she barley even saw a sparkle of happiness in his eyes. She went to go stand next to him, but he didn't move.

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