22 - Captured

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Joe is at home looking for Wally after he came home from work. "Wally" Joe calls out and walks into the room that was a mess and on the walls sees a message. Joe know that it os from zoom ore Jay.


Joe took a photo and went as fast as her could to Star labs and shows everyone what happened. "Guys" Joe said running into the cortex "Zoom took Wally"

"What?" Barry says and Joe showed them the photo he took. They are trying to think of ways to get Wally back without Barry having to give up his speed but they keep hitting dead end. "I need a minuet" Joe says and walks into the hall. Barry sighs before following Joe. When Barry enters the cortex his sees Joe sobbing into his hand.

"I'll do it" Barry says to Joe "I'll give mys speed to Wally"

"Bar I can't ask you to that, your speed is a part of you" Joe says

"It is but Wally is part of this family and that is important and someone once told me that with or without my speed, I'll still be me" Barry said and Joe nodded

"Thank you Bar" Joe said and Barry gave his adoptive father a hug.

"Barry are you sure?" Cisco says to Barry who wants to send zoom a message

"I'm sure" Barry says and hand Cisco the helmet. Cisco puts on his glasses and touches the helmet. He gets thrown into a vibe and sees Jay working on something.

"Hello Cisco, I see your enhancing your abilities" Jay says

"He'll do it, he'll give you his speed" Cisco says and Jay nods understanding what Cisco says.

"Be ready by 7 o'clock tonight" Jay says and Cisco passes along the news.

It was nearly time and Caitlin went to go talk to Barry. "Hey you" she said

"Hey" Barry said

"How you feeling?" Caitlin said

"I feel fine" Barry said kind of ignoring Caitlin

"Are you sure?" Caitlin said and Barry was still ignoring her "Hey, talk to me"

"I'm not sure who I am without this" Barry said

"I do and I'll help you with whatever you need" Caitlin says and kisses Barry Jay then speeds in with Wally who seems fine.

Joe and Harry hold up their guns and Zoom hold wally by the back of his shirt. "We had a deal" Zoom says demonicly

"Your speed for Wally's life" Barry said looking disgusted at Zoom but wanted Wally to be safe. Zoom let go of Wally's shirt who went toward Iris and Joe.

"What's going on?" Wally said confused

"I'll tell you later Iris said and tokk Wally away from Star Labs. Zoom took off his mask and even though they knew he was they still couldn't believe it. They are all getting ready.

"This is how I stole Barry's speed the first time, the speed force will transfer into this vial but only if I calibrate it" Harry says

"Get to work" Jay says and Harry was about to say something when Barry stopped him.

"One day" Harry says "I'm gonna wipe that smug expression off your face" and gets to work.

"So this was your plan all along?" Barry asks

"Ever since the skies parted and showed me another world, another Flash, I came here figured out what I had to do" Jay says

"How are you still alive? We says you die"Iris asks

"It was a time remnant, I went back in time and created another version of myself and I also knew the only way to get Barry faster was to see your ol pal Jay die" Jay says sitting down on the corner of a table. "When you decided to close the breaches I told him my plan and he understood the genius behind it and let me kill him" and Caitlin looks in disgust and shame that she even let him in their lives.

"Who's the man in the Iron mask?" Barry asks

"That would only complicate things" Jay says

"Why the run around as the Flash, why the charade?" Joe asks

"To give people hope detective" Jay says like it was obvious "So I can rip it away from them. It's so fun, to play the hero" he continues standing up

"You are no hero" Caitlin says "You're nothing but a monster" and Jay thinks about what his mother said to his father the night he killed her.

Harry then comes in and announces "It's ready" Barry lets out a sigh and heads in the treadmill room. Everyone else is in the room with Jay when Barry is getting on the treadmill. Barry runs and the speed get drained from his system.

"He's slowing down" Iris says

"The speedforce is leaving his body" Harry says and Barry stops running at superspeed and catches his breath and almost falls over.

"Barry" Caitlin said and ran into the room to make sure he was okay.

"I'm all right" Barry says and continues to pant

All of the speedforce that was in Barry's body was now in the device and Jay shoves Harry of of the way and injects himself with it. Lightning starts surrounding his body and his eye sparkle with lighting. Jay cackles as his body fills with the speed force and he speeds into the treadmill room and grabbed Barry by his throat choking him against the wall.

"Jay stop" Caitlin said and Joe and Harry raise their guns at him "Please,If anything you ever said was true if you actually liked me"

"I didn't like you I love you" Jay said and everybody was shocked ex pet Harry who noticed this all along.

"Then if you love me you'll let him go, Please, just let him go" Caitlin said "If you have any humity left if you ever did care for me, then just let him go please" she begged and him let go of Barry's neck and he landed on the floor.

Caitlin ran to Barry to see if he was ok. Jay then had an idea, he smirked before speeding out of the building with Caitlin. "Caitlin!" Cisco screamed and Barry looked at the door still painting worrying about Caitlin.

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