27 - The Fastest Man alive

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Eventually Caitlin and Wally get the rest of the team to help Barry. "So how does this work?" Barry asks

"Harry does his best frankenstein and I vibe you there" Cisco says and Barry nods and holds out his hand that Cisco grabs onto.

Jay was in his layer and heard Barry's voice "I'll do it, I'll race you. Say when and where I'll be there"

"Cisco has learned how to bring people into his vibes, impressive" Jay says

"There's on condition, you bring Joe and bring him unharmed or the deal is off" Barry said

"Deal" Jay said

"Deal" Barry said

It was 9 at night and everyone had gathered in the spot they were instructed to go to. "Jay may be a psycho but he sure know how to pick a venue." Cisco says looking at the arena. They heard. a woosh behind them and saw Jay with Joe.

"You brought the whole crew huh? Can't say I blame you, it's going to be one hell of a show" he said

"Dad!" Wally said and started walked towards Jow who was in handcuffs and was stopped by Iris.

"Wally, you can't" she said pulling him back

"Let him go" Barry said

"Not until after the race" Jay said

"Cut the crap "Harry said "We know you want to power up the maganatar to destroy the multiverse"

"Bravo, you figure out my plan" Jay said sarcastically and Barry just had a look of anger and disgust on her face. "Well not all of it, I don't want to destroy the multiverse, this earth is at the center of the multiverse, the access point to every earth in existence, one transdimensional shock wave and poof"

"Leaving just our earth" Cisco said and he nodded "How generous"

"I need to have some place to hang my cowl" He said and smirked

"You might want to say your goodbyes" Jay says

Barry turned around to the rest of the group and saw them with worried looks on their faces. "Don't worry, I'm going to save your dad" Barry said to Wally and Iris

"No, your going to save our dad" Wally said

"Get back to Star Labs it's safer there" Barry said

"No we are not going anywhere" Cisco said "We got eyes and ears tight here"

"He goes all we all die together" Caitlin said

"We believe in you" Harry said with pride in his eyes

"Kick his ass" Iris said and Barry was walking away.

"Wait Barry" Caitlin said and then ran up to him and kissed him with lots of passion, when they broke she said "remember why you are doing this"

"I know, thank you for helping me see it" Barry said

"Always, I love you" she said

"Love you too" he said and sped off next to Zoom.

"What are the rules?" Barry asks

"One lap of the inside generates 1 gigawatt of energy for the magantar to work I need 500 plus, once it turns on you lose" Jay says

"All I have to do to beat you is stop the maganatar before it reaches full power" Barry said

"If at any point you decide you don't want to race then I will kill dear old dad number 2 and your fan club" Jay says and Barry breathes not letting Jay get under his skin because the only way he was going to with this was with his heart.

"They aren't my fan club, they are the reason I am running" Barry said "They are the reason I am going to beat you" Barry and Zoom stand side by side and get ready to run. "Say when" Barry said ready to run.

Zoom got in his stance and said "Run Barry, run" and they both started to speed around the track. They were running in circles and Barry closed his eyes. He saw flashes Joe, Iris, Cisco, Henry and Caitlin.

He ran faster and faster until he went back in time and created a remnant of himself. They looked at each other and one went to go rescue Joe and free him. Zoom then took down the real Barry noticing there was a time remnant. Zoom pinned Barry to the ground and said. "A time remnant, stole my trick Flash" they there was a loud bang. Everyone turned to see that the Magnatar was fully online "Your too late flash"

Barry was enraged and got into a fight with Zoom. Barry and Zoom were fighting all over the area and the other Flash was running around the Magnatar . "What is the time remnant doing?' Caitlin asked

"He's creating his own pulse" Cisco said

"Why?' Jessie said

"Because if that's out of phase, then that's out of phase" Harry says pointing to the Magnatar and the arena.

"His body can't handle that" Caitlin said

"What will happen" Jessie asks again

"He'll die" Harry says in a somber voice

The remnant was running and running and he was adding away just like trajectory but it was working just when he faded away all of his energy went into the Magnatar and the pulse making the multiverse collapsed.

"No" Zoom said and he was still fighting with Barry now more angry than ever. They were racing all over the buildings. Blue and Yelling lighting tracing everything until Barry smashes Zoom into something nearby. Barry is currently winning and Zoom has barley gotten to get a shot in. Barry punched zoom so hard the he was on the floor and Barry ripped half of Zooms mask off. Barry was phasing his hand ready to kill him but her couldn't. "You a hero Barry, you couldn't kill me before, You can't do it now" Zoom said and then the speedforce opened with two time wraiths appearing.

"I don't have to" Barry gritted and let the speedforce do the rest of the works as the time wraith took him into the speed force.

Everyone was at Joe's house to celebrate defeating Zoom and his reign of terror. Barry didn't feel like celebrating so for most of the time he sate outside and just felt the cold air against his face. When it was getting late Caitlin came to go see how he was doing. She didn't say anything but sat next to him. "We just won, we beat Zoom, why does it feel like I lost" Barry said and then turned to Caitlin.

"Because you went through something horrible and you haven't had time to deal with it" Caitlin said

"How do I deal with it?" He asked

"That's for you to find out, and I'll be right there next to you" She said and held his hand. "Whatever you need I'll be right here" Barry nodded and she kissed his head. After a while of sitting next to each other Caitlin said "I'm going to go inside, you wanna come?"

"I'll be there in a few minutes" Barry said and she nodded. When Caitlin left Barry looked at the sky and then stood up. He looked through the window and saw everyone laughing but his eye was drawn to his girlfriend. "I'm so sorry but I have to do this, without you" he said and ran fast enough so he could create a time portal. Barry went back in time to the night his mother died and saved her.

This is the end of the book😢

There might be a sequel set in season 3 of the flash. I'll see how I go. hope you enjoyed it!💖

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