23 - Speedforce

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Barry has been miserable because he doesn't. have his speed and he has no way to save Caitlin. He wouldn't go back to his apartment until he finds Caitlin. Everyone has tried to get him to go home and rest but no luck. Harry has been working with Jessie on a way to get Barry's speed back. When Barry was pacing in Star Labs thinking of what he could do to go get Caitlin, Harry and Jessie walk in. "Allen" Harry calls

"Yeah" Barry says and you can see he is tired and hasn't slept in a while

"I think I know how to get your speed back" Harry says and Barry has a small smile on his face. Everyone was now gathered at Star labs and Harry had told everyone the plan.

"You want to make the particle accelerator explode again" Cisco says

"Last time it blew it created a lot of meta-humans and if it explodes agin won't it make double the metas" Joe says

"Not if we contain the blast" Harry says "The first time Barry was exposed to the Dark matter and he was struck by a lightning bolt, we need to recreate those condition so Barry can get his speed back"

"I'll do it" Barry says before anyone can ask anymore questions "I sick of feeling hopeless and maybe with my speed I can help find Caitlin" Barry said and everyone in the lab gave each other looks

"So there are other ways to get Caitlin" Joe said

"but it might be too late" Barry says

"I'm doing this, whether I have you support is up to you" Barry says and walks out of the room.

An hour later Cisco and Harry had everything set up."Ok lets go over the plan again, Cisco will be on the roof with the wand he made for Mardon. On my signal he will shoot the lighting at the satellite rod that connect to here while at the same time we release the dark matter"

Cisco is up on the roof and realise something "I've never been here before, I can see my apartment from here"

"Ramon focus" Harry said and Barry got in the machine

"Be careful" Joe said to Barry who nodded. Harry injected some fluid into Barry and he grunted in pain.

"Why are you doing this?" Iris says to Harry because she hates seeing her best friend in pain

"Barry fell into a bunch on chemicals when he knocked over the shelf" Harry said

"I'm ok" Barry said

"Ramon you ready" Harry said over the coms

"Yeah I'm ready, Zeus better watch out cause I'm about to make a storm" Cisco says and starts to make a storm above him. Harry makes sure everything is ready before counting down.

"3,2,1 NOW RAMON!" He screams and Cisco is on the roof ready to creat a huge lightning bolt.

"Expecto Patronum" Cisco yells while deflecting the lighting bolt into the satellite. The dark matter hits Barry and he screams in pain, then the lighting hits and he screams in pain. Barry then started fading away until there was nothing left but half of his suit. The doors to that were separating Barry and everyone else open and the see there is no sign of him.

Later Barry woke up in his old bedroom and walked downstairs. He saw the crime scene and saw Joe there checking. "Joe?" Barry asked

"Good to see you Barry but I'm not Joe" Joe says

"That means that all of this isn't real" Barry says looking around

"How do you feel being Back here?"

"I feel awful" Barry says getting watery eyes

"We thought you would feel more comfortable talking to someone with a familiar face and in a place you knew"

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