19 - Adventures on Earth-2

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The team have come across a few more metas sent by Zoom in the past few weeks and they have come up with a plan of what they need to do to save Jessie.

"So we go there Cisco and vibe Zoom and we go there save my daughter and come back" Harry says

"Are we sure this will work?" Barry says

"As long as it goes according to plan" Harry says and Barry nods

"Be safe out there" Joe says to Barry

"Always" Barry says and hugs Joe

Cisco goes over to Caitlin and hands her a letter "this is a letter for Dante and my parents, if something goes wrong promise me you'll give it to them"

"Cisco" Caitlin said

"Promise me" he said

"I promise" she said and hugged him

Barry was waiting to talk with her so Cisco stepped aside and she turned around. "Please be careful" she said

"Always" he said and gave her a kiss and then a hug "I love you"

"Love you too" she said breaking from the hug with a look of love and worry. "You know I can still come"

"No way, I'm not putting you in Zooms crosshairs and I know your going to say you already are, but not fully" he said and she was a bit sad but smiled at the fact he knew her so well.

Barry, Cisco and Harry all stand together once they finish their goodbyes. Jay then says "Ok your going to see a lot of things in the breach so remember not to lose focus. Barry nodded and Cisco opened a breach. Barry sped both of them inside the breach and saw Green Arrow, a flash from another earth, Kara, grodd, a man with a gun and then earth-2. He speeds through and they end up in the basement of Star Labs on Earth-2.

They all walk upstairs, Barry and Cisco start geeking out and touch everything while taking lots of selfies. "Ramon, not a sightseeing tour"

"Speak for yourself we want our kids to know we did cool stuff" Cisco says joining Harry Barry following behind. They walked into Harry's lab and turn in the news. Harry who was only focused on the news said "It's worse, it's worse than when I left, Zoom has turned up his reign of terror"

"Then we need to find him fast" Barry says turning to Cisco

"Alright Zoom, you can run but you can't hide" Cisco says putting on his vibe glasses and seeing what will happen.

"Ramon what's going on" Harry demands

"I don't know let me try again. Okay Zoom, you can run but you can't hide" Cisco says

"Ramon!" Harry says frustrated

"I don't know what's happening, it's not working, maybe I lost my powers" Cisco says checking his goggles

"I didn't lose my powers why would you lose yours" Barry says confused

"Ah here we go, the wavelength trigger is off" Cisco says looking at the goggles

"The frequency is imbalanced" Harry says "The earth's vibrate at a different frequency"

"With out the frequency we can't find him" Barry says and on the news is Barry's doppelganger.

"Woah, that's you" Cisco says and keeps on listening to what earth-2 Barry has to say. " Your doppelganger said under the leadership of detective west so Joe is still a cop here."

"More importantly I'm still a CSI, I have a plan" Barry says and speeds out of the room. He comes back with his doppelganger who is confused until he spots Harrison Wells and goes into fanboy mode. Harry passes Barry a taser who tases earth-2 Barry.

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