11 - Dinner Date

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They were all at Joe's house celebrating the win. Iris and Caitlin were helping Joe set up the food. Barry Cisco and Harry were talking in the living room. Iris and Caitlin finished helping Joe for the meantime and went to go join the conversation. Cisco and Harry started arguing about something and the 3 walked away. Iris went to go help Joe in the kitchen while Barry and Caitlin were talking on the couch.

"So" Barry said plopping down on the couch followed by a plop from Caitlin.

"So" she says "What happens now?"

"That's up to you" Barry said and then Caitlin goes to kiss him. While they are kissing Cisco sees and turns to look at them and starts jumping up and down like a 5 year old. Hary get confused and turns around to see it and he gets excited as well, but not as excited as Cisco. When Barry and Caitlin part they get met with Cisco and Harry who are both smiling like dufuses.

"Hi guys" Barry says to Cisco and Harry wondering why they are staring.

"You two are thing since when?" Cisco yells

"We'll we haven't really talk about it" Caitlin says

"WHAT!?" Cisco and Harry says

"Well it happened in the middle of a life or death situation what were just supposed to hash it out then" Barry says sarcastically.

"You two talk now" Harry orders and then both of them walk away and Caitlin and Barry start laughing about how serious they were.

When they finish laughing Barry says "We do need to talk about it"

"Yeah we do" she agrees

"OK, Caitlin Snow tomorrow night will you go on a date with me?" Barry says

"Yes I would love to go on a date with you" Caitlin said and the shared a quick kiss. As if on cue Joe calls out "Dinner"

Everyone walks towards the table and Joe comes in with piping hot lasagna and Cisco rubs his hands looking at the scrumptious Italian meal.

Everyone is serving themselves. Caitlin and Barry sit next to to each other across from them is Cisco and Harry. Joe and Iris are one the ends of the table. They were all having a good time laughing and talking, Caitlin and Barry were giving each other a few looks every now and then, Barry would even throw in a wink.

After they finished they talked for a little while longer and then they parted. The next day at Star labs Caitlin came in early. She started doing her work but got distracted and started to daydream about her date with Barry. Barry came into Star labs with coffees for him and Caitlin. he looked around spotting Caitlin in her labs and walking towards her. He saw her chewing on the end of jer pen smiling into nowhere. Barry smiled then put the coffee down and put his head next her hers and his hand on her shoulders. "Hey" Barry said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey" she said turning her chair around to face him.

"I got you a coffee" Barry said getting the coffee that he placed one the table.

"Thanks" Caitlin said taking it out of his hand

"What were you thinking about earlier?" Barry asks

"I have a date with this very dorky guy" she says making fun of him. "Wait you never told me where are we going?" she asks breaking her act.

"That is a surprise" Barry says

"You do have a place in mind right?" she say skeptically

"Of course! All you have to do is relax" Barry said and then gave her a quick peck on the lips.

The day at Star labs was pretty quite for most of the day. Cisco just wanted to hear the Snowbarry gossip and about how they got together. Barry left early for CCPD when really he was just preparing for the date. Caitlin left work early to get ready. She picked a blue dress which outlined her curves perfectly. She wore pearl earrings and had her hair down naturally. She wore simple black heels and just after she finished putting them on the doorbell rang.

Caitlin went to open the door and saw Barry in a tux, holding a rose. He looked her up and down before stuttering " Wow...woah...wow.. Cait you look... wow"

"Thanks"Caitlin said and started blushing. "You don't look so bad yourself" She said looking him up and down.

"This is for you" he said gesturing for her to take the rose, which she took and put in a empty vase. "You ready?"

"Yep" she said closing her apartment door. Barry then picked her up bridal style and they were gone. They stopped in a open field and Barry put her down. "Are we having our date here?" Caitlin asks a little confused

"Actually over there Barry says pointing to a little area where there's a table and some food. LIghts are surrounding the area. Caitlin didn't say anything as she was in shock and barry thought she didn't like it. "Do you not like it?" he asks

"I love it" she says "Just not as much as I love you" she turns around and gives him a passionate kiss. Once they break from the kiss they walk over to the table. Barry is being a gentleman and pulls out her chair. they talk for a little first and then start eating. Caitlin moaned because the food was better than the takeout she usually gets.

"That good" Barry mocks

"Yess" Caitlin said not caring the Barry was mocking her. Barry just laughs and takes a bite of his own food. Barry and Caitlin just kept on talking and laughing.

"Hey, do you want to dance?" Barry asked remembering that he left his speaker from before.

"Umm sure" Caitlin said and Barry got his phone out and played a song which he thought would fit the occasion perfectly.

Barry went towards Caitlin and opened his hand out to her and bowed as he said "May I have this dance?"

"Yes you may" she said a smile on her face.

Barry pressed play on his phone and then went to Caitlin and they started dancing feeling in sync with each other. As far as they were concerned that were the only two people in the world. When the song was finished her head rested on his chest, His arms were around her waist and hers were around his neck. She lifts her head and smiled looking in his eyes. "Why that song?" she asks

"I used to wonder what it was like to be with you, for you to tell me that you love me. Now, well I guess I don't have to wonder anymore. Caitlin gives him a hug and he give share a kiss on the head. once they part barry gives her a passionate kiss.

A little bit later Barry drops Caitlin home. "Thank you for today I had a really good time." Caitlin said

"Me too" Barry says and both of them start slowly leaning in for a kiss. Their lips were about to meet when Caitlin said "See you tomorrow" then she walked backwards and closed the door. Both of them went to sleep that night thinking of each other.

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