chapter 36 - more pancakes

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"Are we still going?"

My sister's head pokes through my door, which she took the liberty of opening without my permission. A knock or two wouldn't kill her.

I set down my favorite note-taking pen on my textbook and swivel in my chair towards her. Jessica wiggles her eyebrows in an absurd way that makes me question if I should laugh or be annoyed. I decide on neither, focusing to keep my expression neutral. I've been getting better at keeping a blank face, as learned from my lovely boyfriend. Grayson's cold stares are beginning to spread to me from spending so much time with him. Of course, the glares are never targeted at me; but when he gives them to someone else, I feel the need to repeat the look at them as well.

In the week since that fateful evening at the hotel, Grayson and I haven't participated in any scandalous activities. Shame, I know. Like the smart person I am, I went out and bought condoms just in case we ran into the same situation. I had to guess based on the bulge I saw in his pants for what size to get; therefore, I grabbed to two largest sizes.

We have looked at each other differently, too. There's absolutely no returning to normal after you moan someone's name because their mouth was on your...well, you know. Now, Grayson looks at me as if he has all of the knowledge in the world. A few times I've caught him straight up smirking at me—probably replaying the events in his head—so I have smacked his arm. It wasn't as affective at I though it would be, because he would just pull my body to him and wrap his arms around me tightly. No complaints there; but still, would it hurt him to be a little less obvious?

"Talia?!" Jessica screeches from the door. Her eyes are wide and she waves her hand around to catch my attention that strayed to something different than her question.

"Yeah," I say. "We're still going dress shopping. Let me finish this chapter first."

I'm about to turn back to the textbook when she releases a loud huffing sound. She crosses her arms and narrows her eyes.

"What?" I ask innocently.

Jess points to where my school work is and raises a questioning eyebrow. "How long have you been studying?"

"Oh, only three hours," I lie. It's actually more like six hours. Once she picks up on my lie—which is very easy to do—she'll rat me out. Specifically rat me out to Grayson, who has limited my allowable study time to five hours a day. His reason was, quote: "You do way too fucking much and it makes you stressed. You know more than you think you do. I just want to make sure you're okay and taking care of yourself."

He's more adorable than he lets on.

"Don't lie to me, Lia," she states. Her eyebrows pull together in menacing way. Since when did she get so scary?

I frown and grumble out, "I've been studying for six hours."

Jessica's phone is already at her ear by the time I finish telling the truth. It's no secret who she's calling. Surprisingly, this is not the first time my sister has called Grayson to inform him I went over my study limit. He actually put her on special instructions to do so, something she agreed to very quickly. They're more concerned about me than I originally thought.

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