Sometimes, the guy falls in love first. Deeply.
In kindergarten, she gave him a flower. She forgot her kindness, but he would always remember.
No matter how many girls Grayson Summers dates or hooks up with, he can never forget Talia Chase. Acciden...
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"If this green bitch destroys my house one more time, I swear on my life I will jump out of that window!"
I lift my head up to find Cassie cursing at the TV again. Her fingers turn white from clutching the PlayStation controller, and her face flushes red with a rage that I saw only just a few minutes ago.
A smile stretches across my face as I bite my lip to conceal my laughter. Quinn, seated next to the enraged Cas, falls on the ground, not bothering to contain her loud giggles.
"This is not something to laugh at!" Cassie yells, punching our friend in the arm. She gestures to the video game screen where the aftermath of the destruction remains. "I put so much effort into that beautiful structure."
"It was a house of dirt," Quinn states in between coughs. She's still trying to hold in whatever giggles she has left.
Cassie rolls her eyes at this and directs her attention back to rebuilding her beautiful structure.
Nothing says Friday night like eighteen-year olds playing a game that was meant for kids. But who's here to judge?
This is a weekly occurrence for our friend group. Every Friday, at a time where a majority of our high school is at a party, the three of us have our own little get-together. Quinn brings her PlayStation over to my house, we pick out a game to play, and often end the night with stomach aches from the amount of snacks we ate. It's a routine.
Cassie, noted for her loud character and threatening brown eyes, tends to take the game very, very seriously. If I ever needed someone to protect or fight for me, I would immediately call Cas. Occasionally, we fall into our own fights, but they are resolved easily. Even though she gives you stares that make you want to hide, she is generally one of the most caring people I know. Just never tell that to her face. Or she will rip you apart. Limb. By. Limb.
Quinn, on the other hand, is always a bottle of sunshine. She does not laugh, but actually giggles. I sometimes wonder how someone can be happy almost every single second of the day. It's even harder for me to believe that her bubbly personality is paired with dark colored clothing and a tattoo of a dead flower on the upper left of her back. Her style and personality has always confused me; not because it is a strange pairing, but because they somehow blend together.
I tend to spend our glorious time together catching up on homework for the week. No, I am not a "nerd," or whatever the term is people use these days. I just take my grades seriously because I have my parents standards to live up to. Both of them are lawyers and seem to believe I should be some kind of super-genius due to their brilliant combination of genes. I suppose they are somewhat correct considering I get mainly A's.