chapter 14 - sister, sister

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What a fucking night.

I thought it would be just like any ordinary shift at work—tiring and boring. The last thing I expected was to collide into Talia Chase—and then fucking yell at her.

Stupid. So, so, stupid. Think before you speak, right?

She tried to take the blame for everything, but I needed to let her know that it was my fault, and that I should have never sworn at her.

Pulling into my house's driveway, I notice two of my sisters' cars are here. There should only be one. Lovely. Just lovely. As if I weren't stressed enough. Let's hope everyone's asleep.

When I open the front door of my family's one-story house, my hopes are ignored. The TV in the living room illuminates Vivian's face, also know as sister number two. After graduating from college with an accounting degree, Vivian married her college sweetheart and is now expecting her first child. She's been annoying ever since.

"Grayson William Summers," Vivian states, now standing with her arms crossed and staring at me sternly. "Who the fuck do you think you are for not telling me you got a fucking scholarship from Duke?"

"Language," I say with widened eyes, walking into the attached kitchen to put my keys down and get some water.

"Don't fucking start with me, you little shit, you swear all the time. Why did I have to hear this kind of information from Katie?"

Vivian follows me into the kitchen, seeing my movement as an invitation to follow me. I groan into my hands. God, this woman gives me a fucking headache. I sure can't tell her the truth about why I forgot to tell her, or she wouldn't stop asking questions. The truth is that Talia has been on my mind way too much. After Monday night, I find myself wondering how she's doing. Stupid, considering if I weren't thinking about her constantly, I wouldn't have to be scolded by Viv.

"I forgot," I half-lie.

"You forgot? How could you forget to tell your favorite sister something like this?" Vivian yells at me.

I roll my eyes. "You're not my favorite."

Vivian dramatically gasps and then slaps my arm. "Shut up, you're such a liar. So what's the real reason then?"

"The real reason for what?" Enters a voice from the neighboring hallway.

Sister number three enters the kitchen, rubbing the tiredness from her eyes and mumbling words under her breath. Katie lives at home so she can easily commute to the county's community college. Due to low family funds and unlucky opportunities to win scholarships, she took a route that was unfavorable to her. Out of all of the Summers children—as of a few days ago—she is the only one whose dream life had to brushed aside before she even had a chance to succeed.

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