chapter 23 - what comes after

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I am kissing Grayson Summers.

And it feels amazing.

His hand snakes through the back of my hair and gently pulls it to tilt my head, giving him deeper access to my mouth. Grayson's lips push and rub and caress against my own, swelling them with each passing moment. As he leans down further to reach me, his hand pulls around my waist and tugs me closer to his body.

Before all of this, I was alarmed. He yelled out to me, saying I forgot my phone. When I tried to take it back from him, it was as if he was frozen in time. He was stiff, but his eyes were soft. They flicked around the sides of my head, then finally landing on a certain spot on my face. The same spot that he is now exploring with his mouth.

I wonder if I should also be alarmed by how passionately he's kissing me. The way his lips dance over mine, the way his tongue parts between them, and the way he sucks on my bottom lip makes it seem like he's starved. Like he's hungry for more.

I can't even complain because I feel my body reacting the same exact way. I try to keep up with his movements, finding his hunger for this kiss spread to me.

Grayson's hand at my waist carefully reaches under the hem of my shirt to trace my skin, leaving sparks as a memory. I let him explore this part of my skin. His teeth lightly skim over my bottom lip. I push out the lip, wanting to know what it would feel like if he took it between his teeth. Grayson catches on very quickly and complies to my silent demands. A throaty moan—a sound I didn't even know I could make—emits when he gently pulls my bottom lip, which is now swollen from our full on make-out session in the school parking lot.

As if as a response to the noise I made, Grayson pushes further into me, causing me to lose my balance and fall a few inches back into the side of my car.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

We immediately pull away from each other when my car's emergency horn cries wolf. Of all times the alarm needed to be activated by a soft impact, it had to be now. Just when I was about to see what Grayson would do if I bit his bottom lip back.

I reach into my pocket and click the button on my keys to stop the ear-deafening sound. It's only when the noise disappears that I notice just how out of breath the two of us are.

Grayson runs a hand through his hair, pushing back the strands I was just starting to explore. I can still feel the lingering of his own hand in my hair. I want it back to that spot.

His chest raises up and down in quick, short movements. I breathe in the same pattern.

My cheeks feel insanely warm, and I can only imagine how red they are at this moment. At least I'm not the only one, however. His own cheeks are shaded red and a smile is hesitating to spread across his familiar lips.

Now what?

Do we talk about what we just did? Do we pretend nothing happened? Do I say thank you? No, that would be weird, even if I really, really enjoyed what he made me feel.

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