chapter 8 - hypothetical converstation

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Cassie and I didn't speak for the rest of the weekend.

After she slept over on Friday night, Cas left without a word the next morning. Quinn was curious as to why there was a developed tension between the two of us, so I told her. I would never force Miss Sunshine to pick a side regarding the recent argument, but I felt it was important to let her know what was happening.

We have never been mad at each other like this before, however. There might have been small disagreements in the past, but nothing that resulted in us yelling at each other and storming away.

On Saturday night, I almost texted Cas an apology. As my finger hovered over the send button, I remembered that she was the one who hurt my feelings, and not the other way around. I definitely should not be the one apologizing. Right?

I don't know when the apology will come from Cassie, to be honest. She is a very head-strong woman, so it's possible we might just have to wait for this argument to pass in a week or two. I just wish she would realize the effect her words had on me.

Now, it's Monday morning, and only Quinn and I are sitting under our normal tree for our free period. Neither of us have any idea where Cassie is.

"Are you still going to the game tonight?" asks Quinn skeptically, not wanting to be led into an argument regarding Cas.

I know she's curious about Grayson and I, also, but what is there to tell? We have only really spoken to each other during this past week. It's strange to think that my cut hand brought us closer together. How is it that I've known Grayson for at least ten years, and we have only just begun talking? It's as if the universe sent us on two completely different paths. Or, more realistically, something has been keeping us apart.

I nod my head and turn to look at Quinn with a small smile. "Yeah, I'm going to go with Jess. Are you?" I question.

"No, I have to work tonight," Quinn states, giving me a shrug. "Make sure you cheer for the both of us tonight, though," she concludes, displaying a bright grin to lighten the mood. Her smile always made me feel better during uncertain times.

There's an unclear tension in the air. This morning has not felt the same without Cassie. It's as if we don't know how to continue our conversations. There's always the glue in a friendship of three, and Cas was that glue. The strongest glue there is. Without her around due to our fight, Quinn and I are left behind falling apart at the seams.

My mind circulates back to Grayson and the few moments we have had together. All of the times that we did share, I remember feeling confused afterwards. Confused on how Cassie always comments about how he is not the kind of guy to be nice or thoughtful or caring. And yet, in those brief moments, I have noticed his characteristics mirror the ones he is not supposedly meant to follow. It's as if Cassie and I have met two completely different people, but our experiences involve one single person—Grayson.

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